September, 2020 archive
Parsing the Texts 2
Somehow, my cell phone number has fallen into the wrong hands.
You can see the evidence below the fold.
The Sticking Together Point 0
At Psychology Today Blogs, Arthur Dobrin explores why good cops, who are sworn to uphold the law and do, protect bad cops, who are sworn to uphold the law and don’t.
It is an especially timely read.
Going for the Gold 0
In a letter to the editor of The Roanoke Times, Robert Roth marvels at the grift of the gold-digger.
Denial Is Not Just a River in Egypt 0
At the Des Moines Register, Walter Suza explores the reality and effects of racial separation in the United States, citing events from his own life as a black American, and suggest that there are none so blind as those who will not look. A nugget; follow the link for his larger argument.
Why is it that some white people deny that systemic racism exists in the United States?
Those who deny that systemic racism exists have probably lived largely in a segregated white world.
No Surprises Here 0
Nope. None at all.
Bald-faced hypocrisy is the operating principle of today’s Republican Party.
Experiments fail, even noble ones.
Recommended Listen 0
Bob Cesca interviews Mary Trump.
This is well-worth an hour of your time. You can download it and take it with as you run errands, as I did yesterday.
Still Rising Again after All These Years 0
Nancy LeTourneau explores Donald Trump’s intent to deny the reality of racism as part of America’s past.
It is worth remark how the “Lost Cause” keeps getting found again.
The View from Above 0
In the Idaho State Journal, Jesse Robison reports on a conversation with some friends in Canada about their view of events in the United States. Here’s one their comments (admittedly paraphrased) extracted from the conversation; follow the link for more.