From Pine View Farm

Parsing the Texts 2

Somehow, my cell phone number has fallen into the wrong hands.

You can see the evidence below the fold.

Screenshots of texts from the Trump campaign.


When I get one of these, I tell my cell phone to block the number; the next one comes from a different number. (I suspect the numbers are spoofed, common practice with con artists and scammers.)

If they want to waste their time and money on me, I can live with it.


Oops! I seem to have posted one of the texts twice while building the *.jpg in Kolourpaint last night.

Oh, well. I think I still made my point.



  1. Brother Bill

    September 21, 2020 at 7:12 am

    Christians fighting for their values by voting for Trump? Today’s “Christians” are not the same as the Christians who raised us.

  2. Frank

    September 22, 2020 at 10:08 pm

    They worship no Jesus that I know.