From Pine View Farm

Irish Soda Bread 0

The Phryne Fisher mystery I’m currently (re-)reading makes frequent mention of Irish soda bread, so I decided to try my hand at baking some.

I followed this recipe, which I suspect is less than authentic, as it calls for margarine (this recipe claims to be authentic).

I deviated from the recipe in a couple of ways.

As we commonly do not buy oleo, I used butter instead, and I did not brush the loaf with a buttermilk and butter mixture. Rather, I put a dish of water in the oven and brushed the loaf with the hot water a couple of times as it baked, a trick that makes for crustier crusts.

It was quite tasty and very well received by the household. Half the loaf is already gone, and the rest might now survive tomorrow.


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From Pine View Farm
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