From Pine View Farm

“But It’s the Only Possible Explanation” 0

In the current issue of Psychology Today, Jennifer Latson explores why persons are susceptible to illogical and often contradictory conspiracy theories. A snippet:

In a study published in 2012, (the University of Kent’s Karen–ed.) Douglas found that people who believed one conspiracy theory were more likely to believe another, even if it was logically impossible for both to be true. For example, the more someone believed the theory that Princess Diana faked her own death, the more they believed she’d been murdered by British secret agents.

How is this possible? Douglas concluded that people who are prone to conspiracy thinking are so quick to see a cover-up that they’re willing to let the logical niceties slide.

it’s a short read–four pages in the print edition. I commend the entire piece to your attention; given the state of dis coarse discourse, it is a particularly timely read.


Yes, I still subscribe to publications printed on (gasp) paper.


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From Pine View Farm
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