From Pine View Farm

February, 2021 archive

Public Servants 0

Postal carrier slogging through the snow.  Caption:  Neither snow nor rain nor gloom of might nor the Postmaster General's arrogance stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds.

Click to view the original image.

One of the most venal efforts of the previous federal administrator was attempting to turn public servants into his private minions.

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All the News that Fits, Q Who? Dept. 0

David dissects Tucker Carlson’s gaslighting about QAnon (Warning: Short ad at the end).


If One Standard Is Good, Two Must Be Better 0

Frame One captioned

Click for the original image.


It’s All about the Algorithm 0

The Bangor Daily News has a fascinating article how algorithms, which websites (particularly “social” media) use to promote “engagement” (that is, suck us in and keep us there), can go wrong. Here’s one example that the author gives:

In 2014, Amazon tried to develop a recruiting algorithm to rate the resumes of job candidates and predict who would do well. But, even though gender was not intended as a factor in the algorithm, it still favored men and penalized resumes that included the names of all-women’s colleges. This likely happened because Amazon had a poor record of hiring and promoting women, causing the training data used for the algorithm to repeat the pattern.

Happily, Amazon’s researchers caught the problem and, when they found they couldn’t fix it, scrapped the algorithm. But how many such situations have gone unnoticed and uncorrected? No one knows.

I commend it to your attention.



Walter Gropius:

The mind is like an umbrella – it functions best when open.


Geeking Out 0

My old Zareason laptop started showing signs of age a couple of weeks ago. In particular, the display was going dark unpredictably (not blank–just dark). I’ve had it so long that I don’t remember how long I’ve had it. As my old mechanic in New Jersey used to say, it doesn’t owe me a dime. (Unfortunately, Zareason is no more; it has joined the ranks of businesses that have fallen victim to the pandemic, which is a damned shame, as Zareason was a pleasure to do business with; indeed, I’m typing this post on a Zareason desktop.)

So I spent today configuring my new laptop from ThinkPenguin, which arrived yesterday right on schedule.

I ordered it with Debian, which has long been one of my favorite Linux distros. ThinkPenguin installed Debian with the default desktop environment of Gnome. As I loathe Gnome with the fire of a thousand suns (Gnome spells “simplify” d-u-m-b-d-o-w-n), I installed KDE Plasma (in Linux world, multiple desktop environments can coexist quite nicely on the same machine) and started tweaking Plasma.

So far it’s working like a champ

It’s almost where I want it, and I’ll have it all tuned up in a day or two. The top things left on my list are to configure the hosts* file, install and configure GKrellM, and set up a cron job to updatedb every night.


*Yeah, I know the link is to a Windows-centric site, but a Windows HOSTS file and a Linux hosts file work the same way, because they both must comply with internet standards. I’ve been using the MVPS hosts file for two decades in my campaign against pop-up windows, and it works quite nicely, thank you very much.


Twits on Twitter 0

Just when you thought “social” media couldn’t get more vapid . . . .


The Mess with Texas, Electric Boogaloo Bamboozle Dept. 0

Paul Krugman explains the flawed reasoning behind the failure of the electricity industry in Texas. A snippet:

Texas energy policy was based on the idea that you can treat electricity like avocados. Do people remember the great avocado shortage of 2019? Surging demand and a bad crop in California led to spiking prices, but nobody called for a special inquest and new regulations on avocado producers.

In fact, some people see nothing wrong with what happened in Texas in the past week. William Hogan, the Harvard professor widely considered the architect of the Texas system, asserted that drastic price increases, while “not convenient,” were how the system was supposed to work.

But kilowatt-hours aren’t avocados, and there are at least three big reasons why pretending that they are is a recipe for disaster.

Follow the link for those three big reassons.


Cancel Culture, Unreconstructed Style 0

Cancelling history.

As Leonard Pitts, Jr., points out (see below), until white America is willing to confront its past, it will continue to deny its present.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Expose the firefighters striving to save your house to your politeness.

Fredrickson was working an exterior hose line when intense heat inside the home caused a loaded firearm to discharge. A bullet traveled through an exterior wall striking Fredrickson, a 16-year veteran of the department, in the abdomen.

The story goes on to report that he’s facing a third surgery.


Still Rising Again after All These Years 0

Farron points out how thoroughly Nixon’s Southern Strategy has come full circle and consumed the Republican Party.


Leonard Pitts, Jr., Channels The Who . . . 0

. . . and tells America to look in the mirror.


The Piper Wants that Payment 0

Georgia county election officials are suing deadbeat Don for wasting their time.



Harry S. Truman:

One of the difficulties with all our institutions is the fact that we’ve emphasized the reward instead of the service.


Drunk on the Kool-Aid 0

The Arizona Republic’s E. J. Montini marvels at Trump’s grip on his cultists. A snippet:

Here is a man born to wealth, living in a luxury New York highrise filled with gilded French furniture, a man who demanded the staff at his hotel follow a seven-step process for serving him a Diet Coke, who somehow convinced tens of millions of Americans that he is a populist. A man of the people. . . .

These are not just “Trump Republicans.” They’re Trump cultists.

More at the link.


“Old Men Crying” 0

Stephen rounds up some news.

Via Mediaite.


Some Persons, Some Votes 0

Two Republican Elephants labeled

Via The Bob Cesca Show Blog.


Facebook Frolics 0

Messianic frolics.


All the News that Fits, the Mess with Texas Dept. 0


Masless Marauders 0

Elected marauders.

From Pine View Farm
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