From Pine View Farm

February, 2021 archive

And Now for a Musical Interlude 0

According to my local rag, she was 91 today.


Q Believers 0

Children building snowmen.  Two of them are building a traditional snowman.  The third is building a a

Click for the original image.


All the News that Fits 0


Still Rising Again after All These Years 0

The alternative reality of the Graham cracker.

Words fail me.


Presidented 0

At The Japan Times, University of Texas at Austin Professor Michael Lind argues that there is ample precedent for Donald Trump, but it’s not who you may think of first. Here’s a bit (emphasis added).

Throughout Donald Trump’s single term as president of the United States, his opponents in both the Democratic and Republican parties frequently portrayed him as a would-be fascist dictator. But with Trump ousted from the White House, this analogy has become untenable. The Italian leader Trump resembles most is not the fascist dictator Benito Mussolini but rather Silvio Berlusconi, the scandal-prone former prime minister.


Although Trump is the first true demagogue to be elected to the American presidency, the entertainer or plutocrat who wins office by posing as a champion of the common people has been a staple of mayoral and gubernatorial races for generations. Media celebrity, in particular, has become an increasingly common basis for electoral success in America.

Follow the link for the rest; it’s an interesting take and worth a read.


Twits on Twitter 0

Twits who troll in disguise.

(Misplet wrod correx.)


Maskless Marauders, the “Tell” Dept. 0

At Psychology Today Blogs, Christian Miller reports on research that suggests how persons wear masks in these viral times sheds light on their character. A bit; follow the link for details.

Suppose one person is wearing her mask properly, covering her mouth and nose. Suppose the other person only has his mask on his chin, or maybe down around his neck. From this difference alone, it could be that the second person is more likely to be dishonest in other situations as well.

That, at least, is what the economist Yossef Tobol at the Jerusalem College of Technology and his colleagues found in a recent study published in the journal Economic Letters.



Salvador Dali:

Don’t bother about being modern. Unfortunately it is the one thing that, whatever you do, you cannot avoid.


The Elephant Tamer 0

Title:  Impeachmen Trial.  Image:  GOP Elephant balanced on a stool quavering in fear before a mouse that looks like Donald Trump.

Click for the original image.


DQwn the Rabbit HQle 0


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Be polite to your local automobile mechanic.


Cancel Culture, Republican Style, Reprise 0

Title:  Flushed with Success.  Image:  Republican Elephant dumping a trash can label

Via C&L.


So Much Winning . . . . 0

PoliticalProf does the math.


Cancel Culture, Republican Style 0

The Des Moines Register’s Rekha Basu comments on Iowa legistors’ attempts to keep information from the New York Times’ 1619 Project out of public schools. She finds that effort particularly disheartening because the project was led by a black woman from Iowa.

A snippet:

The bill amounts to government censorship of the sort you’d expect from a totalitarian state. Its sponsors would do well to back away from it now, or expect to be mocked and dogged by what they did the rest of their political careers.

One more time, heaven forbid that American students learn what life was really like in ye olde South.


Maskless Marauders, Rand Gestures Dept. 0

Rand Paul delivers a stream of gobbledy-goop and demonstrably false assertions to justify just having his own way.

The stupid. It burns.

Video via C&L.



Immanuel Kant:

Experience without theory is blind, but theory without experience is mere intellectual play.

(Rescheduled after having been improperly scheduled.)


Geeking Out 0

Virtual machine of Slackware –Current running in VirtualBox on Magiea v. 7 using the Plasma desktop.



The Gift 0

Valentine's Day gift addressed to Marjorie Taylor Greene opened to show pill bottle labled

Click for the original image.


Vaccine Nation 0

Harry Shearer interviews Matt Stoller about how America’s monopolistic health care industry (and it’s an industry, not a system) gives you the business, with a focus on the roll-out (stagger-out might be a more appropriate term) of the coronavirus vaccines.

This is a must listen.


Color Blinded 0

“Honest, Sarge, I can’t tell one from another.”

Jesus, Mary, and Joseph.
