From Pine View Farm

March, 2021 archive

Facebook Frolics 0


Do the Math 0

Title:  Math Class on Class Math.  Text:  The average paay of a CEO of the top 350 U. S. firms was $21.3 million in 2019.  Quiz:  How long would it take a minimum wage worker to earn that much?  Answer:  At 40 hours a week, 52 weeks a year, and a worklife of 50 years, it would take over 13 lifetime (but that assumes the minimum wage is raised to $15/hour).

Via Juanita Jean.


Still Rising Again after All These Years 0

I suspect that this symbolism was not intentional.



Marilyn Frye:

Men see with arrogant eyes which organize everything seen with reference to themselves and their own interests.


Geeking Out 0

Mageia v. 7 with the Fluxbox window manager. The wallpaper is from my collection.



A Notion of Immigrants 0

Title:  Border Blather.  Frame One, captioned

Click for the original image.


“The Stories We Tell Ourselves” 0

At the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Emory University Professor Falguni A. Sheth discusses the recent mass shooting of women of Asian descent and punctures the pretense that racism had nothing to do with it. A nugget:

Cherokee County Sheriff Frank Reynolds has stated that the accused shooter, Robert Aaron Long, “gave no indicators that this was racially motivated.” Rather, he reportedly told sheriff’s officials it was his attempt to deal with sexual addiction. And Atlanta Interim Police Chief Rodney Bryant was leery of immediately labeling the shootings as hate crimes.

The absurdity of these statements is insightful: It allows us to glimpse the ways in which racist violence is denied and separated from its longstanding history in the United States.

Follow the link for the rest.


Gutting Out the Vote 0

Republican Elephant says to black man,

Jamelle Bouie comments. A snippet:

Convinced, after Trump’s defeat in the 2020 presidential election, that there is no way to win the White House in a diverse electorate with high turnout, Republicans have made it their mission to restrict the vote as much as possible.

Image via Balloon Juice.


Follow the Money 0


Fly the Fiendly Skies 0

“Is this thing on?”


Due Diligence 0

Two members of the gun lobby leaving the Capitol Building.  One is reading from his phone,

Click for the original image.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

And,as we learn time and time again, a polite society is a clean society.

According to police, the man was in a bedroom of an apartment and was cleaning his gun when it accidentally went off.

Police said the single bullet went through his arm and hit his girlfriend in the abdomen while sitting in a chair nearby. A teenage girl was in another room but was not hurt, police said.



H. G. Wells:

If we don’t end war, war will end us.


Notes from an Alternate Universe 0

The patriotic insurrectionist.

Words fail me.


Facebook Frolics 0

Zuckerborg assimilation frolics. Here’s a bit from the EFF’s deep dive into Facebook’s proposal for “reforming” the decades old law that regulation the internet; follow the link for the complete piece.

It’s galling that at the same time Zuckerberg praises Section 230 for creating “the conditions for the Internet to thrive, for platforms to empower billions of people to express themselves online,” he simultaneously calls on Congress to change the law to prevent any innovation or competition that could disrupt Facebook’s market position. Zuckerberg is admitting that after Facebook has benefited from Section 230, he doesn’t want any other competitor to do the same. Rather than take up Facebook’s proposal, Congress should instead advance meaningful competition and antitrust reforms to curtail the platform’s dominance.


I believe that law is long overdue for a second look. The central provision currently in question was designed to protect neutral platforms from liability for content posted by users.

At the time the law was enacted, the primary platforms were web hosting providers, BBSes, and services such as AOL and Compuserve.

The era of the algorithm had not yet arrived. I believe that now, in the era of the algorithm, when platforms manipulate content to promote “engagement” and “attract eyeballs,” those platforms are no longer neutral in any sense and should be held accountable for the actions of their algorithms.

But the Zuckerborg’s plan to perpetuate its predominance is not the way to go about it.

Rather, what we need is another Teddy Roosevelt.


Misdirection Play, Hey! Look over There! Dept. 0

large overweight man wearing a football helmet labeled

Click to view the original image.


Mobbed Up 0

At The Roanoke Times, John Freivalds suggests that mob-like behavior has played a larger role in American history that we are willing to recognize. It’s an interesting take; here’s a snippet:

We constantly witness mobs at large sporting events as an example of mob herd mentality at violent football games. Where else do beer-bellied men deem it OK to stand screaming, half naked with their faces and torsos covered in paint? Think about that horned half-naked shaman during the Capitol riots, he would have fit in perfectly at an NFL game. Most sports fans would not do these things on their own yet once they are in a crowd, they take on collective mob mood and action.


Parler Talk 0

A falling out.


Pandemic Pariahtization 0

Unfortunately, this does not surprise.

It should, but it doesn’t.


When No News Is No News 0
