From Pine View Farm

The Lies of the Land 0

At the San Francisco Chronicle, David Morrell argues that Donald Trump’s big lie is not the first to bedevil (at least some of) the American people. Here’s a bit:

A “Big Lie” in one form or another has long been a deadly component of American life. And these lies have claimed the lives of tens of thousands of American soldiers, countless enemy combatants, and even more civilians around the globe.

From my experience, the lies surrounding the Jan. 6 insurrection are no less blatant, no less absurd and no less grotesque than those that fueled the Vietnam War more than a half-century ago.

He was there in the command structure, not in combat, and he saw the lies being crafted first hand.

I was eligible for the draft back then. I knew that the Vietnamese War was, at best, a mistake and that my friends and I were subject to being drafted and sent to die for, at best, a mistake.

But, even then, I did not realize how big the lie was.


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