July, 2021 archive
The Slave Patrol Amendment 0
Sam, Emma, and Howard University Professor Carol Anderson discuss the true origins of the Second Amendment to the U. S. Constitution.
When I was in college, I worked a summer job with my local health department for three years. The health department’s facility had two men’s rooms, two women’s rooms, and two water fountains. It took me a while to realize that they were legacies of Jim Crow–that, at one point, they had been labeled “White” and “Colored.”
Later on, I remember my father’s saying to me shortly before he passed away, “I’m glad those days are gone,” in a clear reference to the Jim Crow segregation that both he and I grew up in.
But those days are not gone. merely in uneasy abeyance, and there are many that would bring them back.
The Apology 0
CNN’s Jim Acosta admits a mistake.
That’s a great point, comparing Trump to a clown is most definitely an insult to clowns.
Follow the link for the rest.
Do the Math 0
This doesn’t add up. The protest is in no way based on reality, but it does show how susceptible some persons are to right-wing lies and race-baiting.
We are a society of stupid.
And of the hate-full.
Geeking Out 0
Debian Buster/Sid with the Plasma desktop on a Thinkpenguin laptop. The wallpaper is from my collection.
The Making Up of a Martyr 0
Michael in Norfolk considers the effort by Trump and the Trumpettes to turn an insurrectionist into an idol.
The Disinformation Superhighway,
It’s All about the Algorithm Dept.
David Neiwert explains. A snippet:
Follow the link for the full story.
“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0
Once again, someone left a young child in a car with a gun.
Thus ends another life in the NRA’s Garden of Bleedin’.
Vaccine Nation 0
New York University’s Social Justice Lab tries to understand the right’s hostility to the COVID-19 vaccine and, more generally, its hostility to science.
They point out that there’s nothing new about it:
Elsewhere, Will Bunch explores the divide; you may find his conclusions germane:
I commend both articles to your attention.
The Fire This Time 0
Guilty! Guilty! Guilty! 0
Maskless Marauders have their day in court.