From Pine View Farm

July, 2021 archive



It is only necessary to make war with five things; with the maladies of the body, the ignorances of the mind, with the passions of the body, with the seditions of the city and the discords of families.


A Tune for the Times 0


The Slave Patrol Amendment 0

Sam, Emma, and Howard University Professor Carol Anderson discuss the true origins of the Second Amendment to the U. S. Constitution.


When I was in college, I worked a summer job with my local health department for three years. The health department’s facility had two men’s rooms, two women’s rooms, and two water fountains. It took me a while to realize that they were legacies of Jim Crow–that, at one point, they had been labeled “White” and “Colored.”

Later on, I remember my father’s saying to me shortly before he passed away, “I’m glad those days are gone,” in a clear reference to the Jim Crow segregation that both he and I grew up in.

But those days are not gone. merely in uneasy abeyance, and there are many that would bring them back.


The Apology 0

CNN’s Jim Acosta admits a mistake.

A couple of weeks ago, I compared Trump’s comeback tour to the circus full of sideshow acts and clowns. I later got an email from an expert on the circus industry,(sic) this person pointed out that comparison actually was not fair because unlike the chaos of Trump world, the circus is carefully composed and organized.

That’s a great point, comparing Trump to a clown is most definitely an insult to clowns.

Follow the link for the rest.


A Hot Time in the Old Town . . . . 0

Two men crawling across a parched landscape.  One of them is collapsed face down on the sand.  One says to the other,

Click to view the original image.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Party politely.


Do the Math 0

This doesn’t add up. The protest is in no way based on reality, but it does show how susceptible some persons are to right-wing lies and race-baiting.

We are a society of stupid.

And of the hate-full.


Try Wages, Not Rages 0

Man in tie shouts at youth holding phone,

Via Job’s Anger.



Rebecca West:

The point is that nobody likes having salt rubbed into their wounds, even if it is the salt of the earth.


Geeking Out 0

Debian Buster/Sid with the Plasma desktop on a Thinkpenguin laptop. The wallpaper is from my collection.



The Making Up of a Martyr 0

Michael in Norfolk considers the effort by Trump and the Trumpettes to turn an insurrectionist into an idol.


Boebert Is the New Gohmert 0

An epidemiologist she’s not.


The Disinformation Superhighway,
It’s All about the Algorithm Dept.

David Neiwert explains. A snippet:

A recent study demonstrates that YouTube’s recommendations—which send users to videos the algorithm believes the viewer will like—are in fact promoting videos that violates (sic) the company’s content policies, including hate speech and disinformation. In many cases, the platform is recommending content that has little or no relation to the video that was watched previously. And the company has made clear it has no intention of changing things.

Follow the link for the full story.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Once again, someone left a young child in a car with a gun.

Police said the boy was inside the parked vehicle when he accidentally shot himself, according to the preliminary investigation.

Thus ends another life in the NRA’s Garden of Bleedin’.


Vaccine Nation 0


Irrationalization 0

Caption:  Why literalists make lousy slogan writers.  Image:  Man on sidewalk in front of

Click for the original image.


Vaccine Nation 0

New York University’s Social Justice Lab tries to understand the right’s hostility to the COVID-19 vaccine and, more generally, its hostility to science.

They point out that there’s nothing new about it:

The 1964 Goldwater presidential campaign, for example, was saturated with anti-intellectualism, criticism of leading U.S. universities, and antiscientific sentiment. This trend has continued, more or less unabated, for over 50 years.

Elsewhere, Will Bunch explores the divide; you may find his conclusions germane:

Indeed, as the issue of getting a COVID-19 shot gets increasingly politicized, Huntsinger (Jeff Huntsinger, a social psychologist at Loyola University Chicago–ed.) noted, refusal begins to be wrapped in the strong power of what experts call “negative partisanship” — voters forming opinions largely in opposition to the political party that they don’t like … or hate.

I commend both articles to your attention.



Isaac Asimov:

It was easy to cover up ignorance by the mystical word “intuition.”


The Fire This Time 0

Man running away from heat waves and wildfires as the

Click for the original image.



Like they are going to admit it.

But you can picture the future.


Guilty! Guilty! Guilty! 0

Maskless Marauders have their day in court.
