From Pine View Farm

Freedom’s Just Another Word for–Just What Exactly? 0

Paul Krugman considers Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’s response (or lack thereof) to the growing public health COVID crisis in Florida. He wonders why DeSantis persists in pandering to (and on) the pandemic in the face of rising infection and death rates and why he actively fights common sense public health measures such as masks* and immunization records.

A nugget (emphasis added):

Above all, he has been playing the liberal-conspiracy-theory card, with fundraising letters declaring that the “radical left” is “coming for your freedom.”

So let’s talk about what the right means when it talks about “freedom.” Since the pandemic began, many conservatives have insisted that actions to limit the death toll — social distancing, wearing a mask and now getting vaccinated — should be matters of personal choice. Does that position make any sense?


My answer is that when people on the right talk about “freedom,” what they actually mean is closer to “defense of privilege” — specifically the right of certain people (generally white male Christians) to do whatever they want.

Follow the link for his reasoning.


*If masks are so debilitating, how is it that surgeons and nurses have managed for years to successfully complete complex surgeries while wearing them?

Heck, I’ve gotten so used to wearing one that I almost feel nekkid when I’m in a store without on–oh, never mind.


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From Pine View Farm
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