They Can’t Won’t Handle the Truth
Charles M. Blow takes a critical look at the who-shot-john over critical race theory in elementary and secondary schools, where, remember, it is not taught (emphasis added):
Follow the link for the complete piece.
In a way, I get it.
I remember finding it uncomfortable that one of my ancestors signed John Brown’s death warrant after Harper’s Ferry.
I think I have mentioned before that Second Son opened my eyes. We were at the Harper’s Ferry Wax Museum looking at a display of said ancestor signing said death warrant when Second Son said, “So he was on the wrong side?”
Yes, he was.
Too many of my fellow Southerners and their dupes, symps, and fellow travelers don’t want to face up to the fact that they are on the wrong side.
Indeed, some of them relish being on the wrong side and are determined to rise again remain there.