From Pine View Farm

October, 2021 archive

Hoist on Their Own Petard 0

And what a deliciously ironic petard it is, I must say.


All the History that Fits 0

Oklahoma wants to outlaw historical fact.



Ted Williams:

If you don’t think too good, don’t think too much.


Maskless Marauders 0

A marauder on a choo-choo.

(Spellink error correxeded.)


Freedom of Screech 0

Spocko wonders why bullies not only pay no price for bullying, but are, indeed, actively rewarded. A snippet (emphasis in the original):

When people show up with guns at school board member’s house they aren’t there using their 1st Amendment rights. it’s not a conversation about an issue. It’s a threat.


The media never want to be seen as being against people’s speech. But threatening speech is not protected speech. When I use that phrase, it starts questions of definitions. What is the definition of a threat? What is “true threat”? What is actionable by law enforcement? What was the intent?

The justice system is slow. Social media & TV news is fast. When the media run threat stories, they usually can’t show any immediate legal consequences to the ones making the threats. Occasionally they can show people getting fired. Or kicked off social media. But often there are no negative consequences at all.

People are rewarded for their violent rhetoric with likes and shares. In some cases it leads to donations, electoral votes and political power.


Vaccine Nation, “Fluid Metric” Dept. 0


By this time, Peter Doocy should have learned not to tangle with Jen Psaki.


The Rorschach Redistricting 0

Psychiatrist holding up convoluted ink blot to Republican Elephant and asking,

Via Job’s Anger.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Children should play politely.


Facebook Frolics 0

Frolickers fomenting falsehoods.


If One Standard Is Good, Two Must Be Better 0

Title:  Gubernatorial Debate.  Imaged:  The Texas governor Abbott's sitting at a debate table.  Abbott #1 says,

Via The Bob Cesca Show Blog.



Isaac Asimov:

Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent.


Vaccine Nation, False Flag Dept. 0

At Above the Law, Joe Patrice points out that fired Washington State football coach Nick Rolovich, who was fired for cause (meaning no severance package) for not getting vaccinated as required by Washington state law, is making stuff up. A snippet:

His attorney, Brian Fahling, announced the upcoming suit in a press release:

    “It is a tragic and damning commentary on our culture, and more specifically, on Chun, that Coach Rolovich has been derided, demonized, and ultimately fired from his job, merely for being devout in his Catholic faith,” the release said.

No, he . . . wasn’t. He may be suing on his sincerely held belief that he should get $3.6 million from the state of Washington, but it’s certainly not because of his Catholic faith. You know how I know this isn’t about “being devout in his Catholic faith”? . . .

    The Pope noted that social and political love is built up through “small, individual gestures capable of transforming and improving societies.”

    “Getting vaccinated is a simple yet profound way to care for one another, especially the most vulnerable,” he said.

Follow the link for the full article.


Still Rising Again after All These Years 0

Charles M. Blow points to what’s happening in Texas and warns of the threat of Jim Crow Redux. Here’s a bit of his article;

According to an analysis by The Texas Tribune, although white Texans are only about 40% of the state’s population, “In the initial map for the Texas House, the majority of eligible voters (known in the redistricting and census data as the Citizen Voting Age Population) in 59.3% of the districts are white.”

Furthermore, according to The Tribune, “In the proposed Senate map, 64.5% of the districts have white majorities,” and “white Texans make up the majority of eligible voters in 60.5% of the proposed congressional districts.”

How else to describe this other than racist gerrymandering? This is an attempt to lock in white dominance and control even after white people no longer have a numerical advantage.


Gullible’s Travails 0

Pig:  Did you hear the story about the bad stuff this actress did?  Goat:  How do you know it's true?  Pig:  I saw it on the Twitter.  Goat:  But Twitter doesn't verify that it's true.  Pig:  Yes it does.  They employ thousands of people who verity the truth of each story before it gets tweeted out.  Goat:  Where did you hear that?  Pig:  On the Twitter.  Goat:  No.  Rat:  Sounds right.  I'll tweet that out.

Click to view the original image.


All the News that Fits, Vaccine Nation Dept. 0


Trumpling History 0

A diller, a dollar,
A Constitutional scholar.

The stupid. It burns.


Carrion Crows 0

Shirley Smith describes how a private equity firm purchased her employer, a long-established Detroit furniture retailer, picked its bones clean, than cast it and its employees aside.

It is a chilling tale of greed and rapacity.


Eastman Comeback 0

John Eastman, author of the memo which served as a blueprint for Donald Trump’s attempted coup d’etat, tries to make a comeback as a friend of the court.



Penn Jilette:

I don’t question things that go against what I believe very much. But boy, the stuff that I really want to believe, I really question a lot.


A Tune for These Viral Times 0

The back story.
