From Pine View Farm

Red and Black Bean Soup 0

This is a very simple, very tasty, very satisfying meal. We had this for supper last night. And we will be polishing it off tonight.


1 regular-sized (15.5 oz.) can red kidney beans
1 regular-sized (15.5 oz.) can black beans
1 small (8 oz.) can tomato sauce
1/2 lb. ground beef
2 stalks celery
3 cloves garlic
1/2 large red onion
1 bell pepper (red or green)
1/4 cup chopped mushrooms (or 1 small can chopped mushrooms)
Herbs and spices to taste (I commonly use pepper, basil, and dill)


1. Slice celery crosswise and coarsely chop the other vegetables.
2. In a large pot or Dutch oven, saute vegetables in olive oil until the onions are wilted.
3. Add ground beef and sear until well broken up and browned.
4. Add remaining ingredients, including the liquor from the canned items, and the herbs and spices. (This makes a thick soup; if you want a thinner one, add a bit of water.)
5. Simmer for approximately one hour. Taste occasionally, adding additional spices as desired.
6. Serve with sour cream or plain yogurt topping (optional).

Makes approximately four servings.


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From Pine View Farm
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