From Pine View Farm

February, 2022 archive

“Air Tag, You’re It!” Silent Stalkers Dept. 0

Bruce Schneier reports:

A Berlin-based company has developed an AirTag clone that bypasses Apple’s anti-stalker security systems. Source code for these AirTag clones is available online.

He goes on to opine that Apple doesn’t seem to have thought this whole Air Tag through.

Follow the link for more.



Olasupo Shasore:

Extraordinary people are made out of ordinary people.


Recommended Reading 0

Noz’s thoughts on what’s happening in Ukraine, particularly his first point.


Sticker Schlock 0

At the Tampa Bay Times, retired economics professor Murad Antia takes a calm and reasoned look at the slight rise in the rate of inflation that has many, to quote Bob Cesca, losing their spadonkle. Here’s a little bit.

As you can see in this chart, the inflation rate for those economies (Canada and Europe–ed.) was about 5 percent. So, I would estimate that about 2 percentage points of the inflation can be blamed on over-stimulation. Most of the rise is due to bottlenecks in the supply chain and also on some of Donald Trump’s and Biden’s policies.

He goes on the specify the policies referenced above and their effects in detail. Given the hysteria about some higher prices, it is well worth your attention.


The Turncoat 0

Abraham Lincoln says,

Via Balloon Juice.


Performance Artists 0

Methinks Atrios has a point.


Facebook Frolics 0

Fishy frolics.


The Plane Truth 0

Seth rounds up the news from his two-week hiatus.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Practice random acts of politeness.


Twits on Twitter 0

A rules-don’t-apply-to-me twit.



Raghuram Rajan:

Not taking risks one doesn’t understand is often the best form of risk management.


Recommended Listening 0

Bob Cesca’s interview with Michael Hiltzik about persons who would deny reality want to wish the pandemic away.


Birds of a Feather? 0

The writer of a letter to the editor of the Portland Press-Herald sees some similarities between Shkreli and Trump.


Taking Sides 0

Child is drawing a poster saying

Via Job’s Anger.


Bull Durham Durham Bull 2

Warning: Short commercial at the end.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Politeness is a family value.

Jesus, Mary, and Joseph.


The Great Pyramid 0

Interviewer:  Joining us to discuss the world of crypto-currency is the Invisible Hand of the Free Market.  And I guess we can see?Hand:  With crypto, all things  are possible.  Crypto is the future.  You're not one of the pathetic weaklings cowering in fear of the future, are you?  Interviewer:  Er, I--no, but--some observers have likened crypto to a pyramid scheme.  Hand:  If it's a pyramid scheme, then why have so many people who got in early made so much money from people who got in later?  Answer me that, Normie.  Look, people were skeptical about airplanes and moon launches and those things happened.  Therefore any doubts about crypto are also misguided.  It's just logic.  Interviewer:  Uh, okay, I guess.  Let's move along to NFTs.  Hand:  They're a fantastic investment.  When you own an NFT, you own an irrevocable marker on the blockchain that links to your special JPEG.  Interviewer:  But why do I want to own a link to a JPEG?  Hand:  What part of

Click for the original image.


Going Bar-Hopping 0

Florida Woman.


Stray Thought, COVID Corner Dept. 0

“Inconvenience” and “hardship” are not synonyms.



Vaughan Monroe:

It now costs more to amuse a child than it once did to educate his father.
