From Pine View Farm

A Tune for the Times 0

Mangy comments at the Youtube page:

Kevin McCarthy said Trump was responsible for the January 6th insurrection, then he said Trump was in no way responsible for the insurrection, then he said there was no insurrection, then he said he was misquoted when he actually said Trump was responsible for a mid-course correction, then he said Donald was responsible for a major erection. Later, Kevin claimed he said none of those things, but he loved Trump like a brother and would even love him like Stormy Daniels if it meant he’d be Speaker of the House some day.

Kevin clearly is an opportunistic eel with no guiding principles or moral compass. Mangy thought Kevin needed a song to sing, since making statements that are self-contradictory is a bad look for him. By singing about his relationship with Trump, Kevin will engage a wider audience and prepare for a time when he is dumped from the U.S. House of Representatives and hoping for a big break on the has-been-celebrity version of America’s Got Limited Talent.


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From Pine View Farm
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