From Pine View Farm

July, 2022 archive

“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Politeness takes practice.

Once again, we see that “responsible gun owner” is an oxymoron.


Lest We Forget 0

The writer of a letter to the editor of the Portland Oregonian has a suggestion for a new national holiday.


Vaccine Nation 0

A judicial reversal.



Baltasar Gracian:

Because the ignorant do not know themselves, they never know for what they are lacking. Some would be sages if they did not believe they were so already.


Recommended Listening 0

Kimberley A, Johnson’s interview of Keri Blakinger, particularly the second half, in which Blakinger describes her experiences in prison.


Freudian Slip-Ups 0

Title:  Trump's Blooper Reel, 1/7/2021.  Frame One:  Trump says,

Click for the original image.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Honor the newlyweds with your politeness.

We are a failing society.


Facebook Frolics 0

Anti-Semitic frolics.

The restaurant that posted this claims it did not realize what this was, which leads one to the question: which is worse, conscious, intentional bigotry or ignorant unthinking bigotry?

Personally, methinks it’s a toss-up.


But the Emails . . . . 0


Emma is, as my old boss* used to say, in error.

The Justice Department’s policy as regards investigations during election season is not to pause existing investigations. Rather, it’s to require the Secretary’s approval to institute new investigations.

Learn more here.

*I may have mentioned this before, but I once asked my old boss–he was my first boss in a full-time job and an absolute pleasure to work for–how he got to be such a good boss.

He thought for a moment, then said, “I think about what my first boss would have done. Then I do the exact opposite.”


Great Moments in Dumb 0

Florida Man.


It’s been a long time since I’ve been that drunk, but, if I ever get that drunk again, Walmart would be the last place I’d want to go.

Read more »


Twits on Twitter, Bullies’ Pulpit Dept. 0



The Respite 0

Three children playing at the beach.  In the background, a plane tows a banner reading

Click to view the original image.



Pauline Kael:

A book might be written on the injustice of the just.


A Tune for the Times 0


Second Amendment Frights 0

Don’t kid yourself. It’s not about Constitutional rights or self-protection.

It’s all about the Benjamins.


Establishmentarians, Reprise 0

These people worship no Jesus that I know.


The Free Pass 0

Goat:  Hey, Rat, did you use my car today and not refill the tank?  Rat:  I did.  Goat:  What possible excuse can you have for borrowing someone's car and not refilling the tank?  Rat:  It was in the best interest of our sharholders.  Goat:  That only works for corporations.  Rat:  Rat, Inc., apologizes to no one.

Click for the original image.

For example.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

A responsible gun owner discharges his responsibility in the drive-thru lane.

Musical NotesGuns and stupid, guns and stupid.
They go together like love and Cupid.
Let me tell you brother,
You can’t have one without the other.


Establishmentarians 0

The Arizona Republic’s E. J. Montini sees a parallel. Here’s a bit from his article:

The GOP goal, using both Congress and the radically stacked Supreme Court, is to declare dominion over the female population in the fashion of “The Handmaid’s Tale.”

Or, if you eschew contemporary dystopian fiction in favor of current events, look at it this way: Republicans are Russia and American women are Ukraine.

It’s an invasion, an occupation, with the goal of complete supremacy.

If you think he may be a bit–er–overwrought, follow the link for his reasoning.

And, if you want some more evidence . . . .


An Underlying Factor 0

Steve M. considers the self-delusion that made Republicans susceptible to Trump’s Big Lie.

Methinks he’s onto something.

From Pine View Farm
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