October, 2022 archive
“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0
Yet another responsible gun owner feels compelled to reveal his polite side.
We are a polluted polity.
Gas Attack 0
Republicans are hoping to gain seats by riding on gasoline prices, implying that they will somehow “fix” them.
Now comes the Washington Monthly’s David Atkins to explain why that’s a con. He explains why the federal government is not responsible for the price increases and can have little influence over them.
A snippet:
Let’s start with why gas prices are high. The biggest factor is society normalizing after the height of the pandemic. More people are driving. There is usually a summer spike in demand, but after years of postponed vacations, business travel, and road trips to see Grandma, Americans are back in their cars. Higher demand means higher prices. The second most significant factor is Russia’s bloodthirsty invasion of Ukraine, which has led to sanctions and boycotts of Russian energy, as well as Moscow’s apparent sabotage of its own production to punish Europe for supporting Ukraine. (It’s not just the Nord Stream pipeline mysteriously blowing up but lots of questionable “maintenance” slowing the Russian energy flow.) Third, supply chain disruptions and the pressures on international shipping have only added to oil prices.
And to the extent that some of price increases result from price gouging by oil companies, rather than “market forces,” experience teaches us that Republican sure as shootin’ won’t do anything about that.
“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0
Once again, politeness becomes child’s play.
Thus passeth another day in the NRA’s Garden of Bleedin’.
A Notion of Immigrants, Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell Dept. 0
At my local rag, Tom Wallace reminds us that theft of labor is as American as apple pie (though he does not use that precise term).
After reminding us of America’s original sin of chattel slavery, theft of labor at its most brazen, he discusses the Reagan era escape clause for those who wish to employ exploit undocumented immigrants. An excerpt (emphasis added):
But how could millions of undocumented immigrants avoid deportation? The answer: Congress created the necessary legislation. The Reagan administration’s Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 made it illegal to recruit or hire undocumented immigrants. However, it also provided a loophole for employers to hire while not violating the law by simply neglecting to ask or verify citizenship.
And, ironically, those who most willing to exploit undocumented immigrants seem to also be those most willing to demonize them when it suits their fancy . . . .
Short Attention Span Political Theatre 0
Some issues matter more than others. I would argue that the survival of the American Dream should trump (you will pardon the expression) a temporary price spike caused by a war of aggression initiated by a delusional dynast on the other side of the world.
We are at a crossroads.
It’s not the time turn down a side street.
“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0
Guns and stupid, guns and stupid.
They go together like love and Cupid.
Let me tell you brother,
You can’t have one without the other.
Trumpeting the Big Lie 0
Here comes the judge.
Much more at the link.
The Republican Platform 0
In a longer post responding to some farcical musings on the possibility that Donald Trump will testify before the House January 6 committee, Steve M. offers his synopsis of the concerns of Republican voters.
1. Winning.
2. Hurting their enemies, and making them howl in outrage.
That’s it. That’s the complete list.
I wish I could disagree, but I think he’s onto something. Heck, in the last presidential election, Republicans didn’t even have a platform . . . .
Follow the link for context.