November, 2022 archive
If One Standard Is Good, Two Must Be Better 0
Florida Governor DeSantis is against state censorship, except for when he favors it.
The Commodification of Education 0
Be sure to listen to the quotation that starts at the 7:19 moment, which begins “We are in danger of creating an educated proletariat . . . .”
An educated proletariat is what they fear.
If I had the money, I’d get a Lamborghini. Ever since I read that review in Motor Trend all those many years ago, I’ve wanted one. They don’t look like much, but I’d take one over a Ferrari any day of the week and twice on Sunday.
I don’t have the money, oh, well, but I do have a Mustang convertible.
I wouldn’t call it the poor man’s Lamborghini by any stretch, but it is fun to drive.
Fly the Fiendly Skies 0
New vistas of fiendliness open before you every day.
Or you might even find yourself sitting next to Florida Man.
We are a society of stupid.
Stray Question 0
Who would have thought that, if you conspire to overthrow the government, you could be found guilty in court of conspiring to overthrow the government?
Vincent Price, in the voice of Simon Templar*:
*In The Missing Bridegroom
“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society,” Reprise 0
Ned Barnett runs the numbers. A snippet:
“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0
Yet another child is sacrificed on the NRA’s idol of lead.
One more time, “accident” and “negligence” are not synonyms.
Some years ago, when I lived in Delaware, I took a defensive driving course so as to reduce my car insurance rates. (No, I didn’t have any tickets or anything like that. It was all about the Benjamims. The one ticket I ever got came later, and I richly deserved it, as I forgot to come off cruise control in time, but that’s another story.)
The Delaware state trooper who taught the course mentioned that, in the course, they no longer referred to “accidents”; rather, they referred to “collisions,” because, in almost all cases, if a driver had done something–even one thing–different, the accident collision would not have happened. (As an aside, the traffic reporters on my local NPR station do not talk of “accidents”; they talk of “crashes,” I suspect for a similar reason.)
It is well beyond time that police spokespersons and news outlets reporting on gun nut negligence should have adopted the same practice.
The Deposit 0
Honest to Pete, you can’t make this stuff up.