From Pine View Farm

I Think I No the Answer 0

Michael in Norfolk has a question:

As a history nerd I often wonder whether every day Germans in the early 1930’s realized they were losing their democracy or were they blinded to what was happening politically . . . .

Follow the link for his thoughts on the matter.

As I’ve mentioned before, I trained as an historian, though my focus was U. S. Southern. Nevertheless, I’ve read a lot of books about World Was II (admittedly mostly military history).

What I have read on this topic leads me to believe that, though the persecuted minorities within Germany were aware, the great majority of German people were not, not until the closing days of WWII. Remember, until 1944, most of the fighting took place in places far, far away from German soil, such as north Africa and the skies over Britain.


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From Pine View Farm
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