January, 2023 archive
Blaming the Shoulder 0
Every time I think we have plunged to the deepest depths of stupid, I am proved wrong.
The Unnecessary Question 0
Michael Paul Williams has some thoughts about the motives for the muting:
“It’s not just anti-Blackness. It is an explicit act of legislating white ignorance … because they are being robbed of their history as well,” she said of white students.
She recalled the 2020 movement for Black lives after the murder of George Floyd by a Minneapolis police officer . . .
Image via Job’s Anger.
Foxy Shaded 0
Fox News gets pantsed.
As they trade in fiction, one would think they would recognize fict–oh, never mind.
Establishmentarians, Reprise 0
The Disinformation Superhighway 0
One more time, “social” media isn’t. Rather, however it begins, it ends up being all about the Benjamins.
Via PoliticalProf.
Establishmentarians 0
LZ Grandersonn suggests that America’s establishmentarians are having Pence-sive thoughts. A snippet:
Follow the link for context.
“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0
Another oxymoronic “responsible gun owner” tries tries to fly the fiendly skies while packing politeness.
Low Common Denominator 0
The Philadelphia Inquirer’shttps://www.inquirer.com/opinion/kevin-mccarthy-george-santos-congress-gop-extremism-20230124.html Helen Ubiñas thinks she’s found the common denominator for success as a Republican Congressperson:
Follow the link for the evidence.
Vaccine Nation 0
Snopes sets the record straight on yet another anti-VAXX lie on Muskrat media.
We are a society of stupid.
Same Message, Prettier Packaging 0
It occurs to me that Florida governor DiSantis is sort of like George Wallace after a finishing school do-over.
The Lies of the Land, Florida Man Dept. 0
Fabiola Santiago tells of her attempt to get Florida officials to define “woke” on the record. This snippet is the closest thing she could find to an “official” definition (follow the link for the full story of her quest).
Based on that, it seems to me that “woke” means “realistic.”
Ipso facto, “anti-woke” means “delusional.”
And AL.com’s J. D. Crowe got it right.
The Courage of Their Conniptions 0
By the way, Farron called it.
A significant percentage of our society seems no longer to believe in the concept of the common good or that of law. .
This is not a good thing.