From Pine View Farm

“All in a Day’s Work” 0

You may recall that Newport News, just on the other side of James River from where I sit, is where a first-grader shot his teacher. Now Newport News wants the teacher’s law suit to be dismissed. Here’s a bit from the article at Law and Crime:

Zwerner suffered life-threatening injuries and sued the school district and administrators earlier this month, alleging negligence and reckless disregard on the part of the school district.

On Wednesday, the school board asked that the lawsuit be dismissed.

The motion from the school district, which notes that Zwerner has so far refused to accept payment under Virginia’s Workers’ Compensation Act, argues that the Newport News Circuit Court doesn’t have jurisdiction over the case because being shot by a first-grader is, essentially, a risk that all teachers take.

It’s been a long time since I was a first-grader, but I’m pretty sure that none of my classmates came to school packing heat. Heck, for that matter, I can say that about my 12th-grade classmates. And my college and grad school classmates. And my co-workers in every job I ever had.

We are a broken society.


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From Pine View Farm
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