From Pine View Farm

All the News that Fits 0

Methinks Werner Herzog’s Bear makes a valid point. For those of us who believe in facts and truth, it’s satisfying that Tucker Carlson got his walking papers, but it doesn’t mean that Fox News and its dupes, symps, and fellow travelers are considering mending their ways or that they will stop spreading lies and twisting facts.

Here’s bit of Mr. Bear’s article (emphasis added):

Yesterday’s news that Fox let go of Tucker Carlson was met with some rejoicing in liberal circles, but the wise heads were not moved. In the first place, this fits a larger pattern. Fox has dumped Beck, O’Reilly, and Dobbs, and their message has not moderated a wit. A new demagogue will surely take Carlson’s place. Liberals also fail to understand that the audience has the agency here.

People like Tucker aren’t just radicalizing their audience, they are also responding to their audience’s radical demands.


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From Pine View Farm
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