Artificial Intelligence (Gathering) 0
Artificial “Intelligence” seems to be the hot new toy on the inner webs. A lot of persons are jumping in and playing with them just because they can, without considering the implications of running nekkid through the internet.
At Above the Law, Ayesha Haq, who specializes in legal issues regarding privacy and the internet, is not sanguine about the implications of ChatGPT and similar–er–tools as regards users’ personal information. I commend her piece to your attention; here’s a tiny bit of it:
1. It does not state a legal basis for processing the personal information it receives.
2. Users are not given a mechanism to exercise their “right to be forgotten” or “right to amend” personal information.
3. Personal information is stored indefinitely with no insight on how that data is secured and protected.
4. ChatGPT gathers information from unknown sources on the internet. If a user has any digital footprint, chances are ChatGPT knows a great deal about that user depending on what is available on the internet. This knowledge may be false, and the user has no recourse to correct, amend, or even delete the false information.