From Pine View Farm

July, 2023 archive

“Goodbye, Dollie” 0

Sam and the crew marvel at how the Barbie movie seems to have triggered wingnuts.

We are a society of stupid.


Courting Disaster 0

Recently, the Supreme Supremacist Court ruled that Alabama had to redraw its House districts because black persons, who make up a quarter of the state’s population, were under represented. Instead of one majority black district, said the Court, there must be at least two. Alabama has indeed redrawn its districts, once more with only one majority black district, ignoring the Court’s ruling.

The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette’s Gene Collier has a theory as to why:

. . . I’ll refer you to one of the first interviews (Alabama Senator Tommy) Tuberville did after getting elected in November of 2020, in which he identified the three branches of American government as “the House, the Senate, and the executive.”

See, there is no judicial branch, and thus no Supreme Court. So if you hear from SCOTUS on something, you can comply, don’t comply, up to you.

Follow the link for the complete article.


The Climates They Are a-Changing 0

Current events do not give cause for complacency.


Still Rising Again after All These Years 0

On-the-job training, Florida style:

Ron DeSantis gestures towards a nurse who is treated a slave after a whipping and says,

Image via Yellowdoggranny.


It occurs to me that a case could be made that some states are trying to secede once more all over again, but this time they’ve chosen not to put it in writing.


Beyond the Vacuity of the Dolls 0

At Above the Law, Chris Williams tries figure out why some right-wingers seem to have been triggered by the Barbie movie.


The Fishing Expedition 0

Frame One.  Republican Elephant says,

Via Job’s Anger.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

And another random act of politeness . . . .



George Herman “Babe” Ruth:

. . . a man who knows he’s making money for other people ought to get some of the profits he brings in.


Geeking Out 0

The QMMP media player on Magiea v. 8 with the Fluxbox window manager. The wallpaper and the QMMP skin are from my collections.


Click for a larger image.

One reason I like QMMP is that I can use my extensive library of Winamp (remember Winamp?) skins with it. Nevertheless, the skin in the screenshot is a QMMP skin.


The Climates They Are a-Changing 0

Thom runs the numbers, then finds a straw at which to grasp.


Freedom of Screech . . . 0

. . . for me, but not for thee.


A Notion of Immigrants 0

Texas Governor Greg Abbott placing barriers in the Rio Grande as children drown.  He's also touting

Click for the original image.

When did sadism become a Republican family value?


Republican Family Values 0

Florida Man.


Facebook Frolics 0

Here come de judge.*


*With apologies to Sammy Davis, Jr.


Freedom of Screech 0

At the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Bruce L. Wilder argues that, contrary to the recent ruling of the Supreme Supremacist Court, freedom of speech and freedom to discriminate are not the same thing.


Disparate Treatment 0

Get out of Jail free cardIt’s still a thing.



Jeff Goldblum:

There is a thin line between passion and gas.


A Tune for the Times, Misdirection Play Dept. 0


Unreal Estate 0

A reporter for a local television station tells her story of dealing with internet scammers who tried to rent her rental property out from under her (and of some honest people she met along the way).

It’s a fascinating read, and again reminds us that, just because you see it on a computer device screen, it ain’t necessarily so.


A Questioning of Priorities 0

Scene:  Under a blazing sun.  Sparky:  There have been record-breaking temperatures across the globe.  Wildfire smoke has made the air unbreathable for days.  Do you believe in climate change now?  Man:  Eh, you liberals are always such alarmists!  It's just summer.  It's always been hot during the summer.  The real danger is that giant monster over the horizon.  Sparky:  I don't see any giant monster.  Man:  Are you kidding me?  It's right there.  A huge woke blob consuming everything in its path.  It wants to turn our children transgender and take away our guns.  Sparky:  There's nothing really there.  Man:  Open your eyes, man.  It's an extinction level threat and it's headed right for us.  We must focus our resources on destroyting this insidious menace before all it lost.  Oh my Gog!  It just destroyed another traditional America value.  The horror!.  Sparky:  So that's

Click for the original image.

From Pine View Farm
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