August, 2023 archive
“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0
Another case of neighborly politeness . . .
. . . another reminder that “accidental” and “negligent” are not synonyms.
The report goes on to say that, at least as of this writing, the “responsible gun owner” in question is being held–er–responsible–likely methinks because it didn’t happen here in NRA Paradise.
Officers arrested a 61-year-old man at the scene. He is charged with weapons offenses including careless use of a firearm, criminal negligence and assault with a weapon.
The Delusionist 0
He deludes himself just as he deludes his dupes, symps, and fellow travelers. The sad part is that his dupes, symps, and fellow travelers are willing, nay, eager to partake of the delusion, because of, well, to be blunt about it, America’s original sin of racism.
Drill down deep enough, and you will find that racism is the core of his appeal.
I’m a Southern boy who grew up under Jim Crow.
I know racism when I see it.
Establishmentarian Thought Police 0
You may have heard of “little libraries,” those tiny enclosures containing books that persons put in their yards to make books available to their neighbors. There are some in our neighborhood, in fact.
Now comes the wife of an Arkansas pol to appoint herself little library censor, sneaking about substituting Bibles for books that she doesn’t think others should read.
And, in more news of closed minds closing others’ minds . . . .
Karen Karen-Like 0
A Karen who suffers the children.
The News Recycle 0
In the context of a larger article, in which he argues that the Republican Party is becoming increasingly a party of ideologues, rather than of pragmatists, Jeremy Bernstein provides telling comment on the Republican news recycle (emphasis added):
Most likely, it’s some combination of both: Republican voters and Republican-aligned media are egging each other on.
I commend his piece to your attention.
(Broken tag fixed.)
Still Rising Again after All These Years 0
PragerU wants your kids to be taught that theft of labor is a good thing.
Twits on Twitter 0
Yet another lying twit.
Remember, just because you see it on a computer device screen, it ain’t necessarily so (especially if it’s on “social” media).