August, 2023 archive
Twits Own Twitter 0
Legal-oriented subreddit Xes out links to Twitter. Here’s the gist; more at the link.
r/law, a popular subreddit about the law announced last week that it was completely banning links to Twitter for this reason.
Credit Crunch 0
Thom explores why Republicans are willing to erode America’s credit rating.
The Founders were leery of political parties–they used the term “faction”–because they feared the time would come when a faction would put itself above the nation.
Methinks said fears may not have been unfounded.
A Picture Is Worth 0
Voting is not a right. It is a duty.
Vote in every election: local, state, and national.
And vote in the real world.
Spin Cycle 0
And round and round it goes . . . .
“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0
No doubt his defense will be that he was just horsing around . . . .
Thought Police 0
If they see a thought, they’re gonna put it under lock and key.
The Privatization Scam 0
LZ Granderson peels the onion about “school choice.”
Follow the link for his evidence.
I remember when my school started to integrate [mumble] years ago (one black student the first year, 11 the second year, etc.), two private schools suddenly appeared where none had been before.
We called them “seg academies” because that was what they were.
Eye Witnesses 0
Chris Hayes reminds that we watched the January 6 insurrection happen in real time.
Via C&L, which has commentary.
Still Rising Again after All These Years 0
At, John Archibald looks at the efforts in some southern states to whitewash–I use that term advisedly–their history of slavery and racism and wonders what all the fuss is about.
After all, he points out, old times there are not forgotten.
“Slaves developed skills which, in some instances, could be applied for their personal benefit,” according to Florida’s new social studies standards.
The South – the whole country, really – doesn’t need to study real history anymore.
It’s too busy living it.
Follow the link for the rest.