August, 2023 archive
“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0
Another random act of politeness, another child lost, another day in NRA Paradise.
The Crypto Con 0
On the railroad, we used to refer to the city in question as “Lost Wages.”
Extra-Special Bonus QOTD, Crypto Con Dept. 0
If you are working on or expect to work on a recent N. Y. Times Sunday crossword puzzle entitled “Doing Front Flips,” skip this post and go solve clue 56 across.
Teflon Don 0
Methinks my old Philly DL friend Noz makes a good point.
Thought Police 0
Farron discusses a Virginia pol who wants to ban children from libraries if they are not accompanied by adults. (You can learn more about this from a report in the local newspaper.)
When I was kid in elementary school, the local bookmobile would visit my school regularly. I forget now whether it was every week or two weeks or what, but, when it came, it was the highlight of my day. I would regularly check out several books because I liked to read and learn. I would check out fun books and I would check out learning books, and I would read them all before the bookmobile’s next visit.
And now comes clowns (I thought of several other terms to use, but I’ll stick with “clowns”) like this who would deny school children the opportunity to read and learn because they fear that, if children read something, they might learn something. And that, if the children learn something, they might recognize the lies they are being told.
Methinks persons who fear truth are amongst those most to be feared.
I can’t blame Farron for getting this wrong, but it’s not “Boat-tort” County. It’s Botetourt (bot’-te-tot) County, named after Lord Botetourt.
I’m a Virginian. I know my state and its history, both the good and the bad.
The Courage of Their Conniptions 0
Honest to Betsy, you can’t make this stuff up.
Precedented 0
Gene Lyons sees a precursor of the laughing misnamed “Moms for Liberty.” Here’s a bit from his article; follow the link for the rest. You’ll be glad you did.
Back in the ‘70s, when a former Miss Oklahoma named Anita Bryant and the Rev. Jerry Falwell were running a similar scam, they used to say that because “homosexuals cannot biologically reproduce children … they must recruit our children.” That’s not actually true, of course, but it sounded right to a lot of yokels.
But back to the Moms. I love how they call it “Liberty” when they’re demanding censorship and conformity.
The Climates They Are a-Changing 0
inside a larger story about a house fire on North Carolina’s Outer Banks is a warning that the climates they are a-changing, and they’re coming for all of us: