From Pine View Farm

Patterns 0

Noah A. McGee notes a number of similarities in shootings by young white men of black persons over the past three years. The article focuses on three specific incidents: one in Buffalo, N. Y., one in Charleston, S. C., and the third–the most recent–in Jacksonville, Fla.

Here’s just one of the commonalities he enumerates; follow the link for the others.

Before the mass shooting, Palmeter (who shot three black people in Jacksonville, Fla.–ed.) told his father to look at his computer, where he found multiple manifestos that would explain why he committed the crimes he did.

Payton S. Gendron, the shooter who fatally shot 10 people at a Buffalo supermarket, wrote a manifest where he described himself as a white supremacist.

Dylan Roof, the white man responsible for killing nine Black people at a Charleston church in 2015, wrote a manifesto nearly 2,500 words long where he shared his thoughts about Black people, Jewish people, Hispanics, East Asians, and many others.

America’s original sin of chattel slavery, along with the racist mythology manufactured to rationalize it, continues to exact its toll.


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From Pine View Farm
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