From Pine View Farm

“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

There’s a reason why you’re supposed to unload guns when transporting them.

“Linden Police Chief David Dulude said the incident occurred shortly after 3:30 p.m. Witnesses reported a store employee, identified as Larry Lawrence, 39, of Queen City, was in the process of placing groceries in the rear seat of a vehicle, where a dog was located.

“Lawrence then began to pet the dog when a .22 rifle, also located in the rear seat of the vehicle, discharged striking Lawrence in the chest. Resuscitative measures were given to Lawrence by witnesses.

The story goes on to report that those “resuscitative measures” were not successful.

One more time, “responsible gun owner” is an oxymoron.

Musical NotesGuns and stupid, guns and stupid.
They go together like love and Cupid.
Let me tell you brother,
You can’t have one without the other.


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