From Pine View Farm

October, 2023 archive

The Holiday Dispirit 0

Brian Greenspun, publisher of the Las Vegas Sun, is not really looking forward to this year’s celebration of All Hallows’ Eve.

He thinks things are scary enough already.

To attempt to excerpt or summarize his piece would dishonor it. Just go read it.


Gutting Out the Vote 0

Farron points out the Republicans must cheat to win. And that they are quite willing to do so.


Speaking of Zombies . . . . 0

Caption:  America's Mental Health Crisis.  Image:  Republicans standing around saying,

Click to view the original image.


The Zombie Apocalypse 0

At The Seattle Times, Danny Westneat argues that it is upon us. Here’s how he opens his article:

The news that an election denier is vying to run the vote-counting operation in King County is a little startling, in a “really, here?” kind of way. But it’s also a fitting symbol for the state of Republican politics right now.

They’ve gone into the zombie zone.

Follow the link for his reasoning.


The Drop-Out 0

PoliticalProf points out that Mike Pence didn’t read the room.



H. G. Wells:

Human history becomes more and more a race between education and catastrophe.


And Now for a Musical Interlude 0


Establishmentarians 0

Michael in Norfolk is less than sanguine about the new Speaker of the House. A snippet:

Mike Johnson would erase the separation of church and state and make his dangerous and bigoted form of Christianity the de facto established religion in America,


The Spirit of the Secesh Haunts the House 0

Frame One, title:  Night of the Living Republicans.  Frame Two, captioned

Click for the original image.


I do find it puzzling why so many they-call-themselves pundits want to hold Democrats to account for Republicans’ actions.

Could be that on some level they realize that Republicans are no account?


Busman’s Holiday, Courting Disaster Dept. 0


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Yet another oxymoronic “responsible gun owner.”

Yet another child . . . .


Tricky Treating, Republican Thought Police Dept. 0

At the Tampa Bay Times, Stephanie Hayes has some ideas as to what Halloween costumes will be acceptable to Floria Man’s Republican Thought Police.


Truth in Labeling 0




Stanley Kubrick:

The very meaninglessness of life forces man to create his own meaning.


And Now for Something Completely Different 0

Photograph of a woman in a car that appears to be driven by a lion.

Via All Things Amazing, an image site (some images NSFW).


Accessories before the Fact 0

Title:  Latest Mass Shooter Was

Click for the original image.


Artificial? Yes. Intelligent? Not So Much. 0

William Pounstone, writing at Psychology Today Blogs, explains why AI lies. Given all the who shot john about AI, it is a valuable read. A nugget:

Why do LLMs (Large Language Models–ed.) often spin convincing but bogus answers (a.k.a. “hallucinations”)? The short answer is that LLMs have no innate conception of truth or falsehood.

Follow the link for context.

And, in more news of the not as smart as they think they are . . . .


Responsible Fiscals 0

Title:  The GOP Tax Policy Cycle.  Image:  Man says,

Via Job’s Anger.


Foxy Shady 0

Emma and the crew dissect the misdirection play.

In related news, PoliticalProf looks at some numbers.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

. . . and another oxymoronic “responsible gun owner” exposes children to his politeness (and then tries to get them to lie about it).


Yeah. I know these posts probably get repetitive.

So too do the recurring rituals of obeisance by the devotees of the portable phallus.

From Pine View Farm
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