From Pine View Farm

Voting Is Not a Right. It Is a Duty. 0

I learned that from my Daddy by example.

He never missed an election, nor have I.

Indeed, I have memories of his making sure his poll tax was paid, back when I was a young ‘un growing up under Jim Crow, when segregation was de jure, and not, as it is today, primarily de facto. (No, it hasn’t gone away. If you think it has, you are kidding yourself. It may not be as obvious, but it still is. Just ask Florida Man.)

We voted Monday at a local early voting site. It was a swift and painless process which took less then 10 minutes from parking the car to pulling out of the parking lot.

And I urge you vote too, if not early, certainly on election day.

Taking a few minutes–or even a few hours–to vote is a small price to pay for preserving democracy.

Don’t exercise your right. Do your duty.


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From Pine View Farm
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