From Pine View Farm

November, 2023 archive

“The Free Speech Absolutist” 0

Title:  Invisible-Hand-of-the-Free-Market Man senses a brewing crisis.  Hand says to Elon Musk,

Click for the original image.


Argle Bargle 0

At Above the Law, Liz Dye looks at the latest I-guess-you-have-to-call-them arguments and tries to make sense out of the senseless. What it boils down to, natch, is attempting to use the law to argue that Donald Trump is exempt from the law.

A sample:

This jiujitsu logic comes from Trump’s reply in support of his motion to dismiss the DC case for selective and vindictive prosecution. Never before has a president been prosecuted for crimes, he argues. Ipso facto propter hoc, selective prosecution! Trump conveniently ignores the hundreds of other January 6 plaintiffs who have been prosecuted, many under the same obstruction and conspiracy statutes he’s charged with here. None of those weirdos is president, right?


Incongruously Assembled 0

Is this ignorance or stupidity?

Or (more likely, given his record) both?

Inquiring minds want to know.



Ty Cobb (the ballplayer, not the lawyer):

The crowd makes the ballgame.


The Disinformation Superduper Highway 0

At Psychology Today Blogs, The Open Minds Foundation takes a lot at the potential effects of AI-generated dis- and misinformation on the internet. They conclude that internet users need to exercise more critical thinking skills, even as they seem to be exercising less (or is it fewer?).

Here’s a tiny bit from their article; I urge you to read the rest.

Psychologists at the University of Cambridge recently developed the first, validated “misinformation susceptibility test” (MIST), which highlights the degree to which an individual is susceptible to fake news. Younger Americans (under 45) performed worse than older Americans (over 45) on the misinformation test, scoring 12 out of 20 correctly, compared to 15 out of 20 for older adults. This was in part correlated to the amount of time spent online consuming content, indicating the relevance of how you spend your recreational time.

The Europol report continues with a stark warning: “On a daily basis, people trust their own perception to guide them and tell them what is real and what is not… Auditory and visual recordings of an event are often treated as a truthful account of an event. But what if these media can be generated artificially, adapted to show events that never took place, to misrepresent events, or to distort the truth?”


Dis Coarse Discourse 0

At the Portland Press-Herald, Doug Zlatin suggests that the Constitutional guarantee of “freedom of speech” should not be interpreted as a freedom to screech.


Republican Thought Police 0

Title:  The Elf on the Shelf.  Image:  Elf in red suit with cap bearing the label

Click for the original image.


Industrial Revolution Redux 0

San and his crew talk with Brian Merchant, tech columnist at the Los Angeles Times, about what the who-shot-john about “artificial intelligence” is actually about.


The Climates They Are a-Changing . . . 0

. . . and I’m getting a sinking feeling.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Another random act of politeness.


Still Rising Again after All These Years 0

Daniel O. Jamison says that dis coarse discourse is precedented. Here’s how he opens his article:

A rebellion looms. Too many Americans have the attitude that if they cannot accomplish their aims lawfully and peaceably, they will resort to violence.

This attitude apparently traces to Reconstruction, when the organizers of the defunct Confederacy determined to regain the political power of their states, using lawful and peaceful means if they worked, but unlawful and violent means if necessary. With savage violence, they “redeemed” the South, ousting integrated state governments and denying equal rights to Blacks.



Pliny the Elder:

It is ridiculous to suppose that the great head of things, whatever it be, pays any regard to human affairs.


And, Speaking of Christmas . . . . 0

Via C&L.


Christmas Future 0

Ebenezer Scrooge says to Bob Cratchit,

Click for the original image.


A Picture Is Worth 0

Take a look at it and decide whether you agree.


Foxy Shady 0

Farron discusses an ex-Fox News who has filed suit against Fox, alleging he was fired for reporting actual factual news.


In Spite(ful) of the Evidence 0

At Psychology Today Blogs, Richa Bhatia explores why persons will cling to beliefs regardless of the facts. She makes four main points:

  • Preformed beliefs formed by years of social, family, and media influences create mental templates.
  • People often favor information confirming their beliefs and disregard facts contradicting them.
  • Humans are not as objective in making interpretations or reaching conclusions as we’d like to think.
  • There are some things people can do to prevent thinking errors, including being aware of their own biases.

In dis coarse discourse, methinks this a worthwhile read.


A Look Back 0

Pilgrim family sits gazing out at sea.  Father says,

Click to view the original image.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

And we all know that cleanliness is next to politeness . . . .

A man in Logan County died after accidentally shooting himself in the chest Friday afternoon according to the Logan County Sheriff’s Office.

Officials said that the man was cleaning a gun when he accidentally fired the shot.

Back in the olden days, when I was a young ‘un, we were taught to make a gun was unloaded before cleaning it, or, for that matter, doing anything–transporting it, storing it, whatever–with it except firing it.



Jed S/ Rakoff:

If, in the name of combating terrorism, we so restrict our own freedom, have we not thereby lost part of the very battle we seek to win?

From Pine View Farm
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