From Pine View Farm

November, 2023 archive

And Now for a Blast from the Past 0

Same song, three angles.


Republican Thought Police 0

At The Philadelphia Inquirer, Jonathan Zimmerman looks at some recent Pennsylvania school board elections and notes that

. . . it turns out that Democratic parents have rights, too.

Follow the link for context.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

A bystander is caught in a polite exchange.

We are a broken society.


Speaking of Polls . . . . 0

Image:  Donald Trump speaking gibberish (all Trump quotations).  Caption:  Poll:  Voters find Trump more mentally competent than Biden.

Via Juanita Jean.


The Poll Pushers 0

Farron suggests it’s all about the eyeballs.


Artificial? Yes. Intelligent? Not So Much. 0

Methinks Atrios shared something of substance.


Fly the Fiendly Skies . . . 0

. . . and you just may just get left holding the bag.

Boy, am I glad that my days of stepping on airplanes once or twice a month are behind me.



Bob Cesca:

Libertarianism is like Scientology for politics.


A Tune for the Times 0


What’s in a Word? 0

At the Idaho State Journal, Leonard Hitchcock considers Donald Trump’s Veterans Day speech and wants to know.

But it’s not the word “vermin” in Trump’s speech that interests me: it’s the paradoxical fact — in my view — that he includes in his list of deadly enemies of the “American Dream” not just ‘”Communists” and ‘Marxists“ (always dependable objects of hatred), but also “fascists.” And yet, if there is one American who has conspicuous fascist traits and attitudes, it’s Donald Trump himself.

Follow the link for his musings.


The Other Black Friday 0

At The Kansas City Star, Hannah Holzer writes of another Black Friday, one that happened over a century ago, one that was about rights, not retail.

On Nov. 18, 1910, to be exact, 300 women suffragettes marched to London’s Houses of Parliament to protest British Prime Minister Herbert Henry Asquith’s decision not to sign legislation that would have granted voting rights to some property-owning women. What ensued was a horrific display of violence against women perpetrated by cops in uniform, plain clothed police officers and male bystanders. The day was a turning point for British suffragettes — it marked the start of British suffragette militancy and was dubbed “Black Friday” decades before the colloquial term became associated with the start of the holiday shopping season one day after Thanksgiving.

What ensued was a horrific display of violence against women perpetrated by cops in uniform, plain clothed police officers and male bystanders. The day was a turning point for British suffragettes — it marked the start of British suffragette militancy and was dubbed “Black Friday” decades before the colloquial term became associated with the start of the holiday shopping season one day after Thanksgiving.

It is a fascinating read and worth the few minutes it will take you to read it.


Bots 0

Frame One:  Woman says to man,

Click for the original image.


The Doctrine of Domination 0

Sam and the crew have second conversation with author Robert P. Jones concerning the 15th century Catholic Church’s formulation of the “Doctrine of Discovery” that justified rationalized European conquest of the Americas and Africa and about how it led to the doctrine of white supremacy and to America’s original sin of chattel slavery.


Where Too Much Is Never Enough 0

Frame One, titled

Click to view the original image.


Devolution 0

At, John Archibald writes of Alabama public schools’ war on science. A snippet:

Yes, Alabama education leaders – proud to put themselves up as the best possible argument against human evolution – continue to insert a disclaimer into biology textbooks warning that “the theory of evolution by natural selection is a controversial theory.”

But the state of science instruction is more problematic than even that.

Alabama’s existing science standards were already considered among the nation’s worst when it comes to the study of climate change.

Follow the link for his exploration of the intentional inculcation of ignorance.



Mark Cox, in the voice of Tam Mullen, about someone who has gone viral on the inner tubes:

That’s the problem with the modern world. You can get famous for doing nothing.

Methinks he has a point.


The Thanksgiving Wish 0

The Wizard of Id sits at a laden Thanksgiving table thinking,

Click for the original image.


The New Meat-Up App 0


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

More guns and stupid.

Officials say last Sunday a 62-year-old hunter in Adams County shot at what he thought was a deer. As it turned out, the animal was actually a dog. And the 47-year-old woman walking that dog was hit in the abdomen.


Blinders 0

Michael in Norfolk wonders why so many persons are overlooking the obvious.

From Pine View Farm
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