From Pine View Farm

A Tune for the Times 0

Mangy comments at the Youtube page:

If Donald Trump is successful in stealing the election in 2024, he will likely view his second inauguration as a royal coronation into his new position as King/Dictator for Life. Americans could suddenly lose the majority of freedoms they’ve long enjoyed, such as the right to criticize the government, the right to self determination, the right to travel at will, the right to own property, the right to choose their leaders, the right to personal autonomy, the right to free association, the right to read what they want, the right to fair trials by their peers, and on and on. Trump would be, as promised, a dictator on day one, and also on all days that follow. Pledges of loyalty to Trump will be REQUIRED. Children will be expected to tell authorities if their parents aren’t sufficiently true to Trump. Trump will replace Jesus, Buddha, and Allah as the required subject of adoration and reverence in churches. Jokes about Trump will land folks in prison or the cemetery and songs that are unflattering to him will be forbidden. Those who are more popular, smarter, funnier, more skilled, more articulate, more creative, more handsome, or command more attention and love than Trump, like Taylor Swift. Stephen Colbert, Stephen King, or Alexander Vindman, will be exiled, fined or imprisoned for ‘stealing attention away from Trump. All of this would be consistent with life under a narcissistic sociopath like Trump.

Mangy Fetlocks was imagining the forced displays of fealty and reverence that Trump’s shock forces would likely be required to organize, mimicking the displays that are often put on for other dictators like Kim Jong Un or Vladimir Putin.


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