From Pine View Farm

Denial Is Not Just a River in Egypt 0

Chris Satullo looks at the numbers, which indicate that unemployment is down, inflation is down, employment is up, and, that in general, the economy is in the best shape it’s been in years.

He wonders why so many person aren’t willing to believe the evidence. Here’s a bit from his article:

OK, to review: Facts don’t matter. Verified, on-point statistics don’t matter. Only aggrieved feelings – and anecdotes that flatter those feelings – matter.


Vast numbers of Americans, for a variety of reasons, prefer to feel miserable, angry, oppressed, screwed, cornered. And eager to blame the president, the guy on whose watch all those real economic measures improved, for how they feel.

. . . and many apparently feel that the only way to lift us out of these doldrums is to bring back the guy who told us to drink bleach to cure COVID.

Or, to put is another way, “It’s the Stupid, Economy.”


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