January, 2024 archive
The Climates They Are a-Changing 0
It’s the middle of January and we’re running the air conditioner. The high today was in the mid-70s Fahrenheit. According to my sidebar over there (——–>) on the right, it’s 70 at this moment.
Yeah, I know that “climate” and “weather” are not the same thing, but we wouldn’t be having this kind of weather in bleepin’ January if the climates they were not a-changing.
I grew up about 40 miles north of where I type this. Back in the olden days, when I was a young ‘un, 50 Fahrenheits in January qualified as a warm day.
I am not sanguine.
A Reckless Driver on the Disinformation Superhighway 0
Musk multiplies the misinformation and disseminates the disinformation. From The New York Times:
This time, there were no fact checks. And the X algorithm — under Mr. Musk’s direct control — helped the posts reach large audiences, in some cases drawing many millions of views.
Since taking control of the site, Mr. Musk has dismantled the platform’s system for flagging false election content, arguing it amounted to election interference.
Precedented 0
Robert Reich sees a disturbing precedent to the rhetoric and tactics of Donald Trump and his followers.
Just go read it.
Recommended Viewing 0
The Secret Life of . . . ., a humorous, well, really, snarky and sardonic look at the “secret lives” of historical figures, such as Napoleon Bonaparte, Calligula, and Casanova.
I’m watching it on Tubi.
Gazing at Gaza 0
Der Spiegel takes a long and deep look at the situation in the Middle East and at the background. Christoph Reuter und Monika Bolliger, authors of the story, come to the disturbing conclusion that “the risk of escalation in the Middle East is growing.”
Given the often contradictory and frequently emotionally-charged reporting and commentary on events there, I think this article is well worth the few minutes it will take you to read it.
“Mean Girls” 0
Jamie Stiehm suggests that you skip the movie.
Watch the real mean girls in the House of Representatives instead.
Republican Thought Police, Reprise 0
Left to their own devices, the Republican Thought Police would ban Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet and Antony and Cleopatra and Maugham’s Of Human Bondage (one of my favorite books, by the way), not to mention First Samuel.
We are a society of stupid striving to become a society of ignorant.
Still Rising Again after All These Years 0
Michael in Norfolk minces no words.
Gutting Out the Vote 0
The Arizona Republic’s E. J. Montini writes about an Arizona legislator who has decided that, well, if you can’t gut out the vote, why not just throw it out completely. A snippet:
Make it legal.
Kern has introduced Senate Concurrent Resolution 1014, which — I am not making this up — allows that “the Legislature, and no other official, shall appoint presidential electors.”