From Pine View Farm

January, 2024 archive

Twits on Twitter X Offenders 0

Sauce for the goose . . . .


Still Rising Again after All These Years 0

Diane Roberts serves up the story of the Civil War, Southern style.

No excerpt or paraphrase will do her piece justice. Just go read it.



P. D. James:

Human kindness is like a defective tap, the first gush may be impressive but the stream soon dries up.


Recommended Viewing 0

Imitation of Life, the 1934 version, not the 1950s remake.

We stumbled over it on TCM.

I was frankly taken aback by how frankly it dealt with racial issues in a time of segregation, when most films of that time pretended that they did not exist. Not to disparage the performances of the other members of the cast, particularly that of Rochelle Hudson, I found Claudine Colbert’s performance to be truly impressive.

We did recently watch It Happened One Night (which we also caught on TCM), for which Colbert won an Oscar, but I thought her acting in this film to be far superior to that Oscar-winning performance. It was somehow more real.


Break Time 0

Off to drink liberally.


Courting Disaster 0

Voice comes from Supreme Court saying,

Click for the original image.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Asininity in Albuquerque:

A woman is accused of bringing a gun inside Duran’s Central Pharmacy on Sunday and dropping it, leading to another diner being shot in the head.

Follow the link for the full saga of stupid, for, as we all know

Musical NotesGuns and stupid, guns and stupid.
They go together like love and Cupid.
Let me tell you brother,
You can’t have one without the other.


The Rule of Flaw 0

Seth satirizes the capitulation of they-call-themselves conservatives to the consummate con artist.


Submarine Attack 0

Florida Man.


A Notion of Immgrants 0

Methinks Atrios pretty much nails it.


Today’s Republican Party understands buy-partisan. Indeed, it is a treasured Republican Family Value.

In contrast, it finds the concept of bipartisan repelling.


Fly the Fiendly Skies 0

The get fiendlier every day.

The Transportation Security Administration found a record-setting 6,737 guns at airport security checkpoints in 2023, the agency announced Wednesday. The number of firearms found by TSA officers last year surpassed the previous year’s record of 6,542 guns and was the highest annual total for the agency since it was created in the wake of the 9/11 terror attacks.

The agency said approximately 93% of the weapons were loaded, which TSA Administrator David Pekoske said was “concerning.”

Much more at the link.



Barry Commoner:

When you fully understand the situation, it is worse than you think.


A Tune for the Times 0


None Dare Call It (Domestic) Terrorism . . . 0

. . . but, according to the Arizona Republic’s E. J. Montini, it most certainly is.


The Grifter’s Game Plan 0

Lucy:  How's your plan for noble activism going.  Danae:  I'm still looking for an angle that has universal appeal.  It needs to be vague but sound specif . . . something that will alarm people when I tell them their way of life is under attack, then give me tons of money to save them.  Lucy:  So . . . a couse based on imaginary victimhood?  Danae:  Oh, and questioning my cause is blasphemy and treason.

Click for the original image.


Words Have Meanings . . . 0

. . . unless, of course, you live in Florida.


Russian Impulses 0

Thom talks with Heidi Siegmund Cuda about the mechanics of Russian interference in the 2016 election via the Disinformation Superhighway.

One more time, “social” media isn’t.


Denial Is Not Just a River in Egypt 0

GOP Elephant stands before a poster of Janury 6 rioters storming the Capitol saying,

Click for the original image.


Republican Thought Police 0

You can’t make this stuff up.



Paul Harvey:

Self-government won’t work without self-discipline.
