From Pine View Farm

February, 2024 archive

A Dogged Problem 0

At Psychology Today Blogs, Stanley Coren looks at the recent kerfuffle over President Biden’s dog, Commander, and reminds us that

However, there seems to be a popular expectation that the dogs that occupy the White House, especially the family dogs of the president, should be civilized, decorous, calm, and well-behaved as befits the status held by their presidential owners. However, there is a long history of delinquent tendencies in the dogs kept by First Families in the U.S.

Follow the link to learn more about the history of delinquent doggies in the presidential domicile.


Republican Family Values 0

Title:  Cryogenc Nursery.  Time:  Not long after the Alabama Supreme Court's ruling that IVF embryos are people . . . .  Image:  Man in medical robes showing new employee around containers of

Click for the original image.


Fly the Fiendly Skies 0

They get fiendlier every day.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Yet another child . . . .


“Show Me the Money” 0


Birds of a Feather 0

Gene Collier, writing at the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, sees parallels between two rather dissimilar figures: Donald Trump and Wayne LaPierre, long-time head of the National Rifle Makers Association.

A snippet:

Though LaPierre withstood his moment of truth without any of the typical wailing and victimization of the oleaginous real estate mogul (save for an early reference to a witch hunt), the Trump and LaPierre narratives are of a certain parallel: Two men of at one time inordinate power who eventually got themselves exposed as common crooks.

Follow the link for his reasoning.


No Place To Hide 2

I think it’s safe to say that the internet invasion of privacy has been out of hand for quite a long time. and it certainly has more than its share of nefarious.

Here’s some nefariousness with an establishmentarian twist. Here’s a snippet from a report by the EFF:

In May 2023, the Wall Street Journal reported that Near was selling location data to anti-abortion groups. Specifically, the Journal found that the Veritas Society, a non-profit established by Wisconsin Right to Life, had hired ad agency Recrue Media. That agency purchased location data from Near and used it to target anti-abortion messaging at people who had sought reproductive healthcare.



Paul Harvey:

If there is a 50-50 chance that something can go wrong, then 9 times out of ten it will.


Twits on Twitter X Offenders 0


Establishmentarians 0

E. J. Montini finds an irony in Arizona Republicans’ desire to post the Ten Commandments in public schools:

The Good Lord must also find it humorous that those same individuals, as well as all of their MAGA brothers and sisters, daily (and nightly, and all times inbetween) break Commandment No. 1, the admonition against worshiping false gods. At least when it comes to you-know-who.

Follow the link for context.


My Downward Spiral 0

Every time I find myself thinking that nothing can sink my opinion of humankind further, I find myself, as my old boss used to day, “in error.”

For example.

One more time, “social” media isn’t.


Medicare Disadvantage 0

When I qualified for Medicare (yeah, I’m old), I made sure to get traditional Medicare, because even back then [mumble] years ago, I knew that “Medicare Advantage” was little more than a con and a scam designed to let insurance companies suckle at the public teat.

And, speaking of insurance companies . . . .


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Yet another random act of politeness . . .

New Castle (Pa.–ed.) police are seeking the identity of a man whose gun accidentally discharged in the lobby of the U.S. Post Office on Cascade Street on Monday afternoon.

New Castle police Chief David Cumo reported an unknown man entered the post office lobby around 4 p.m. and had a gun in his pocket that fired by accident.

The bullet hit the floor and shrapnel fragments hit a woman in the leg, he said.

. . . and yet another reminder that “accident” and “negligence” are not synonyms.


Russian Impulses 0

Joseph D. Bastrimovich looks agog at the groveling.


The Mechanics of Mind Control 0

Der Spiegel takes a long and penetrating look at how Vladimir Putin maintains his control on Russia. It is well-worth a read in these troubled and troubling times.

Here’s a tiny bit:

But why do people accept that Putin is attacking the neighboring country, isolating Russia from the West and declaring it his arch-enemy?

“It’s quite simple,” says (Russian ex-pat Ekaterina–ed.) Schulman. Putin claimed that Ukraine had to be de-Nazified, she says. “The autocrat’s word is the official Russian position. There is pressure to be loyal and there is punishment for those who publicly deviate from this narrative.”

Putin has imposed wartime censorship. According to the regime, anyone who criticizes the attack on the neighboring country is slandering the army and is subject to prosecution. The censorship laws are so vaguely formulated that the security authorities can take action against just about anyone. Just wearing blue and yellow sneakers, the colors of Ukraine, can be enough to land a person in hot water. One Moscow man who did that got fined the equivalent of 100 euros. Meanwhile, a woman in Krasnodar was talking to her husband about the war in a restaurant. A restaurant employee reported her to the police and she had to pay the equivalent of 400 euros in fines; her husband went to jail for 15 days for “rioting.” People are snitching on others all over the place in Russia right now. Compliant helpers have denounced tens of thousands of fellow citizens to the security authorities – also because of critical posts on the internet.



Baruch Spinoza:

To give aid to every poor man is far beyond the reach and power of every man. Care of the poor is incumbent on society as a whole.


A Tune for the Times 0


A Mirror Image in His Own Mind 0

Policeman kneeling with knee on the neck of a black man.  Donald Trump, wearing golden sneakers and a tee shirt reading

Click for the original image.


The Tactic (Updated) 0

Today’s Republican Party does not wish to govern.

It wishes to dictate.

If it cannot dictate, it refuses to govern.


Someone seems to agree.


Doubling Down on Deceit 0

Seth opines that the Trumpettes are detached from reality.

From Pine View Farm
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