February, 2024 archive
It’s Bubblelicious 0
Oliver Darcy offers a theory as to how dis coarse discourse got so coarse. I note it because it is consistent with my opinion that “social” media isn’t; he suggests that
Methinks he is onto something.
It’s All about the Algorithm 0
At Psychology Today Blogs, Robyn Koslowitz discusses a TikTok challenge which, as nears as I can figure out, involves parents telling kids to go into a bathroom, telling them it’s a safe space where they can curse all they want. Then the parents record the result and post it to “social” media.
Koslowitz lists a number of reasons that this is a bad idea, starting with the idea that it’s a betrayal of trust (that is, saying that a place is safe, then then violating that space. The line that caught my eye, though, was this:
One more time, “social” media isn’t.
Priorities 0
Michael in Norfolk finds himself somewhat disturbed by Republicans’ hierarchy of allegiances.
Real Big Men 0
Via Job’s Anger.
Suckered by the Algorithm 0
At Psychology Today Blogs, Bill Sullivan offers yet more evidence that “social” media isn’t, particular for the young. Here’s a bit of his article:
Madonna’s claim that we are living in a material world is backed by convincing data.
Follow the link, then be sure to post it to your Zuckerborg or Muskrat page.
Raphael Warnock:
When you’re accustomed to privilege, parity and equity and equality may feel like oppression.
Methinks we are seeing evidence of his observation playing out in dis coarse discourse.
“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0
Get a load of the politeness.
When they got there, they found the alleged shooter and one person who had been shot in the stomach.
SGT. Dillon Quirk with Oklahoma City Police stated, “This person had been displaying a firearm to a family member’ […] ‘The family member did not know it was loaded.”
I was taught to always treat a gun as if it were loaded until I checked it myself and verified it was not.
Guns and stupid, guns and stupid.
They go together like love and Cupid.
Let me tell you brother,
You can’t have one without the other.
Republican Performance Art 0
A letter to the editor of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch calls out Congressional Republicans’ hypocrisy in most telling fashion.
The Invading Horde 0
But the folks in Eagle Pass, Texas, say the invaders are not who you might think they are. Here’s a tiny bit from the story:
While local residents with the Eagle Pass Border Coalition told reporters and supporters that they of course welcome all visitors to the community who respect their culture and diversity in a civil manner, they believe the recent arrival of Republican governors and a trucker convoy of Christian nationalists in support of Abbott’s violent rhetoric helped to spread “hate and descension” in their community over the weekend.