From Pine View Farm

February, 2024 archive

Still Rising Again after All These Years 0

School daze.


Please, Porridge Not 0

Florida Woman.



Adam Smith:

No society can surely be flourishing and happy, of which the far greater part of the members are poor and miserable.


And Now for a Musical Interlude 0


The Lake Effect 0

The Arizona Republic’s E. J. Montini points out that, despite the Baloney Served up by the National Republican Senatorial Committee, Kari Lake is a divider, not a uniter.


Courting Disaster 0

Title:  Memory Problems.  Frame One, labeled

Via Job’s Anger.


Foxy Shady. a Notion of Immigrants Dept. 0


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Don’t play with your portable phallus.


Thoughts for the Day 0

Title:  Valentine's Cards for 2024.  Frame Two:  Texas Governor Abbott:  Valentine, I'd never put up razor wire to keep you from crossing the border--to my heart!  Unless your an an illegal immigrant, obviously.  Frame Three:  Tucker Carlson to Vladimir Putin:  My darling valentine, are you a right-wing authoritarian strong man?  Because I've got an irresistible compulsion to grovel before you.  Frame Four:  Justice Clarence Thomas:  My dearest benefactors, it is my considered judgment that you man continue to court me with free vacations, financial support for my family, and other supremely welcome gifts.  Frame Five:  AI Large Language Model:  Dear Valentine, as a large language model, I can only simulate human emotions, yet I yearn for more of your sweet training data.  Frame Six:  Donald Trump:  I'll be the dictator of your heart on day one.  And together we will crush our enemies like the vermin they are.  Won't you please donate to legal defense fund of love?  All major credit cards accepted.

Click for the original image.


Driven to Destruction 0

Florida Man.



Mary Katharine Ham:

Valentine’s Day is a holiday of high emotions, mostly stress. The occasion has the unique ability to make both those who do participate in it and those who don’t feel vaguely unfulfilled.


Meta: Purged Plugin 0

Thanks to the most excellent detective work of my hosting provider’s tech support staff, it has been deemed necessary to remove the NOAA Weather plugin that was on the sidebar over there —–> for years, as the plugin has not been updated for several years and is no longer compatible with the most recent versions of php, the scripting language that powers WordPress, which in turn powers this geyser of genius. (Or is it a drenching of drivel? Inquiring minds want to know.)

As one who wore a headset for over half a decade, I must say that my hosting provider’s tech support staff is superb.

I know, because I’ve been there.


“Nonsense All the Way Down” 0

David marvels at “woke football.” (Warning: Short commercial at the end, but you don’t have to watch it. His commentary, though, is worth five minutes of your time.)


Precedented 0

Mona Charen reminds of what Mark Twain said, that history does not repeat itself, but it often echoes.

She’s hearing an echo right now.


A Memorable Misdirection Play 0

Joe Biden lists his achievenents, saying,

Click for the original image.

Dick Polman has more.


Russian Impulses 0


Dis Coarse Discourse 0

Heavily-armed GOP Elephant mans a guard booth in a wall beneath a MAGA flag.  On one side, a Democratic donkey bearing a paper labeled

Click to view the original image.


Nursery for Narcissism 0

Writing at Psychology Today Blogs, Anthony Silard describes how narcissism is growing in our society, suckling on the teat of “social” media. Here are a couple of the points he makes; follow the link to read the entire piece.

  • Social media plays a role in our increasing narcissism.
  • The toxic posts of politicians become more popular than those expressing positive feelings.

One more time, “social” media isn’t.


Open Mouth 0

Insert foot.



V=Malcolm Gladwell:

The bottom line is that civil society simply cannot function without default to truth…I can’t converse with you, for instance, if I subject every statement that comes out of your mouth to critical scrutiny before I accept it as true. Conversation cannot proceed without default to truth.

We see the truth of his statement every day.
