February, 2024 archive
Treaty Obligations 0
My old Philly DL friend Noz argues that Donald Trump doesn’t understand what NATO is or how it works.
Methinks he makes some pretty good points and mecommends his post to your attention.
Of course, there’s a lot that Donald Trump doesn’t understand, but that doesn’t stop him from getting it wrong time after time.
Artificial? Yes. Intelligent? Not So Much. Dangerous? Certainly. 0
At Psychology Today Blogs, Dr. Marlynn Wei tales a look at the psychological implications of the spread of deepfakes and “AI” clones and lists half a dozen dangers. Here’s one (emphasis in the original):
Research in deepfakes shows that people’s opinions can be swayed by interactions with a digital replica, even when they know it is not the real person. This can create “false” memories of someone. Negative false memories could harm the reputation of the portrayed person. Positive false memories can have complicated and unexpected interpersonal effects as well. Interacting with one’s own AI clone could also result in false memories.
Her article is a worthwhile read, and prends garde a toi.
The Swift Vote Conspiracy 0
At the Tampa Bay Times, Daniel Ruth lays out the whole dastardly plot:
Worse yet, tens of thousands of Swifties actually–we here to clutch some pearls–actualy went out and registered to vote, lurching the cuontry to the precipice of anarchy.
Follow the link for more of the devilish details.