From Pine View Farm

“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

He had politeness in the bag.

A man died after he accidentally shot himself in the leg with a 9mm handgun in front of his home in Moravian Falls on Feb. 22, said Chief Deputy Logan Kerr of the Wilkes Sheriff’s Office on Friday.

Kerr said an investigation determined that Benjamin Russell Calloway, 70, of Spring Meadows Lane, was shot when the handgun fell out of a golf bag and went off.

I live next to a golf course. (No, I don’t golf–I just point and laugh.) I have not yet seen anything take place on that golf course which would require the presence of a portable phallus, well, a portable phallus other than the ones normally toted about on a golf course.

I do not think it an exaggeration to say that America’s firearms fetish would give Freud pause.

On a lighter note, at least he went out with a hole-in-one.

(Sorry. I couldn’t resist.)


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