From Pine View Farm

March, 2024 archive

It’s All about the Algorithm 0

At Psychology Today Blogs, Christine Louise Hohlbaum discusses David Donnelly’s documentary, The Cost of Convenience, which explores the extent to which corporate digital surveillance has been woven into our society and economy. Here’s an excerpt:

The truth is that every move we make is being recorded, online and off. Through our excessive smartphone usage, so-called digital versions of ourselves are being tracked. Algorithms learn our preferences and keep feeding us more of the same in an endless feedback loop. It has created a deep rift in society, polarizing us to the point of paralysis. In essence, this film is an exploration of how far down the rabbit hole we are. It is about maximizing profits, not optimizing people’s lives.

She ends the article with some suggestions as to how to fight back.

Me, I’m going to keep an eye out for the film.


False Profits 0

Donald Trump holding up his

Via Job’s Anger.


Status Quo Ante 0

So much winning.



Alexander MacKenzie:

Logic, sometimes has very little to do with political action.


Republican Family Values 0

David discusses Donald Trump’s attacks on Judge Juan Merchan’s daughter and points out that we do indeed have a two tier justice system. (Warning: Short commercial at the end.)


The Voter Fraud Fraudsters 0

Have you noticed that, when someone is actually found to have voted illegally, that someone almost always voted Republican?


The Endless War 0

Title:  Lifelong Battle against Fascism.  Frame One:  American soldier in WWII fighting fascism in 1944.  Frame Two:  Same soldier, now a veteran in a wheelchair, voting against the GOP in 2024.

Click for the original image.


“It’s Coming from Inside the House” 0

Thom talks with Sabrina Haake, who argues that Fox News ia far less trustworthy than TiKTok.


“Vote in the Real World” 0

I forget how many years I’ve been saying that over there—————-> on the sidebar, but it’s been a while.

Yesterday, I was gratified to learn that columnist Mona Charen, who almost certainly has never heard of me (and likely never will), agrees with me. She argues as much in her column:

A third party is the coward’s way out

Follow the link for her reasoning, which, I must say, is quite sound, given that she agrees with me.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society’ 0

Yet another “responsible gun owner” chooses to display his politeness on the pavement.

Musical NotesGuns and stupid, guns and stupid.
They go together like love and Cupid.
Let me tell you brother,
You can’t have one without the other.


“The Happiest Place on Earth” 0

I don’t know where that is, but, as Gene Collier reports, it ain’t here. A snippet:

If you were too depressed to read the World Happiness Report, America came in 23rd, our first ever non-Top 20 showing, and there’s no recourse until 2025. Unlike with college hockey and presidential politics, there’s no new poll every time you turn around.

So that’s it; unhappily enough, we’re 23rd, 10 slots beneath Kuwait and nowhere near the perfectly chilled utopia that is Finland, which finished No. 1 for the seventh consecutive year. Generally, it again appears from the Top 10 that if you want to be happy, your chances spike dramatically in a smallish country that’s very cold.



Penn Jillette:

Behaving morally because of a hope of reward or a fear of punishment is not morality. Morality is not bribery or threats. Religion is bribery and threats. Humans have morality. We don’t need religion.


A Toon for the Times 0


Industrial Devolution 0

Image:  Partially full glass.  Caption:  The optimist sees the glass half-full.  The pessimist sees the glass half-empty.  The realist takes the glass of water to the lab for PFA testing.

Click for the original image.

And, in related news:

South Lake Tahoe’s ban on single-use plastic water bottles and paper cartons is slated to go into full effect next month, soon after neighboring Truckee passed an ordinance to implement a similar ban.


“Over half of littered single-use plastic bottles collected during Truckee Day, the annual Town-wide litter cleanup, were water bottles,” the town of Truckee wrote in a March 17 news release. “These plastics do not decompose but break apart into harmful microplastics that enter local waterways and are potentially consumed by wildlife or the public.”


A Bridge To Fall 0

PoliticalProf does the math.

Also, dolphins.


Crushing the Jordan 0


The Backfire This Time 0

Republican Elephant standing behind a cannon labeled

Click to view the original image.


A Pillow of the Community 0

Mike Lindell discovers that actions (sometimes) have consequences.


Methinks F. T. Rea’s musing on “the believers,” though he does not mention Lindell, may cast some light on how Lindell got to this point. A snippet:

Hey, once a faithful follower views Trump as a modern deity, who naturally can do no wrong, it’s a snap to see all of Trump’s pesky legal problems as having been invented by his election-stealing political opponents.


Stray Question 0

I wonder whether, if I owed a court money, I could talk the judge into cutting it by two-thirds just because I said it was too high?

Read more »



Jared Cohen:

We live in a world where all wars will begin as cyber wars… It’s the combination of hacking and massive, well-coordinated disinformation campaigns.

From Pine View Farm
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