Still Rising Again after All These Years 0
Via David Pakman’s Youtube page, Brittany Page explores the New Secesh’s attempts to whitewash (I use that term advisedly) slavery and slaveholders. (As my two or three regular readers know, I have found David to be a reasoned and reliable commentator.)
I had ancestors who wore the grey. Indeed, one of them is immortalized in the Harper’s Ferry wax museum signing John Brown’s death warrant.*
I do not deny them, but neither do I try to justify what they did. (Understand, perhaps, as one who trained as an historian, but not justify.)
Those who refuse to learn from past evils doom themselves to repeating them.
*I may have mentioned this before in these electrons, but it was a moment for me when, on a visit to that museum some years ago, Second Son, still in school at the time, looked at the exhibit and said, “So, he was on the wrong side.”
That brought home to me with emphasis that, yes indeed, he was on the wrong side.
It was the wrong side then, and it is the wrong side now.
And it is still rising again after all these years.