From Pine View Farm

June, 2024 archive

A Tune for the Times 0


This New Gilded Age 0

More mean for the sake of mean.


A Shark Choice 0

Two sharks see a third shark coming with a boat battery in its mouth and sparks about its body.  One says,

Click to view the original image.


Dis Coarse Discourse 0

All the coverage I’ve read and heard about the recent presidential debate–well, almost all–seems to focus on appearances, on how persons looked and sounded.

Very little seems to concern what persons actually said.

Methinks it more important to focus on the substance, which leads in a much different direction.


“Insane from the Top Down” 0

Methinks Farron may be onto something.


Unprecedentedly Partisan 0

Michael in Norfolk, a lawyer with decades of experience, notes that

. . . . I have closely followed the U,S, Supreme Court ever since and even met a Chief Justice some years back. Never in that period has the Court been so openly partisan and extreme as what we are witnessing now.

Follow the link for context.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Yet another oxymoronic “responsible gun owner” indulges in a random act of politeness.

. . . just in case you needed more evidence that we are a broken society.



Marie Curie:

One never notices what has been done; one can only see what remains to be done.


Establishmentarians 0

At the Kansas City Star, Dion Lefler argues that life has started to echo Monty Python.

As the comedy troupe Monty Python once said, “Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition.”

I certainly didn’t expect it in Oklahoma.

But Inquisition 2024 came to our neighboring state on Thursday, when Oklahoma’s authoritarian superintendent of public instruction, Ryan Walters, issued an edict that every classroom from fifth to 12th grade must have a Bible in it, and every teacher, regardless of their own beliefs, has to teach from it — or else.

Follow the link for his reasoning.

And, in a related piece, Marty Ryan points out that there is a certain–er–lack of consensus on the number and wording of the Ten (or so) Commandments.


A Close Encounter 0

Yesterday, as I was running an errand, I saw a Tesla Cybertruck sitting at a red light.

The darn thing is uglier in real life than I imagined from pictures of it.

It is a crime against design.

A 1958 Ford Elsel looks elegant in comparison.


Every time I see a Tesla, there’s this moment of near-panic when I think, “I hope the driver isn’t stupid enough to be using Tesla’s autopilot.”


Crossing the Jordan 0


Droning On 0

Florida Man.


The Short Economy Version 0

Moses stands on Mt. Sinai with two tablets that read together

Click for the original image.


Courting Disaster 0

At Above the Law, Joe Patrice excoriates the Supreme Court’s overturning of the Chevron doctrine. A snippet:

The Supreme Court overruling Chevron fulfills every lawyer’s delusion: that they’re smarter than real doctors and scientists.


“The Man Who Would Be King” 0

At the Idaho State Journal, Kim Shinkoskey posits that we face a stark choice in November: democracy or autocracy.



Myrna Loy:

I think that carrying on a life that is meant to be private in public is a breach of taste, common sense, and mental hygiene.


I wonder what she would have to say about “social” media?


Ominous Omens 0

PoliticalProf is not sanguine.


Juiced 0

Joe Biden is holding a jar labeled

Via Job’s Anger.


Money Ball 0

Bob Molinaro, sportswriter extraordinaire:

Now that an indelible line has been drawn between the four great revenue-generating college football conferences and the “other 28” leagues representing universities hewing closer to the tradition of educational institutions with extracurricular activities, even the most naïve fans might be coming around to the idea that the big-time schools are commercial enterprises.


Sacrifices to the Leaden Idol 0

Frame One:  Republican Elephant wearing a

Click for the original image.
