From Pine View Farm

June, 2024 archive

“Values Voters” 0

Mangy argues that Donald Trump truly represents the essence of today’s Republican Party.


Devolution 0

At the Las Vegas Sun, Darryl Cornelius describes a descent.


Market Farces 0

Farron points out that Trump’s “Truth Social” is tanking in the stock marked.


The Establishmentarian Indoctrination Initiative, Reprise 0

Title:  The Lesson.  Image:  Red-hatted GOP Elepant points to a plague of the Ten Commandments on a school room wall and asks a student,

Click to view the original image.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

When I was learning how to handle a gun, it was drilled into me to always assume a gun is loaded unless I verified for myself that it was not.

I guess this guy missed that part of the lesson.

Musical NotesGuns and stupid, guns and stupid.
They go together like love and Cupid.
Let me tell you brother,
You can’t have one without the other.


A Picture Is Worth 0

Donald Trump carrying suitcases of cash labeled

Click to view the original image.


The Bully’s Pulpit 0

Does this article remind you of anyone in the news?

How about this one?



Frank Lloyd Wright:

Art for art’s sake is a philosophy of the well-fed.


The Establishmentarian Indoctrination Initiative 0

Thom debunks de bunk.


A Notion of Immigrants 0

Steve M. looks at the reaction of Fox News hosts to Donald Trump’s suggestion that immigrants sbe used as modern-day gladiators for the entertainment of the masses. He suggests that (emphasis added):

The likelihood that this won’t offend any of Trump’s fans suggests that their anger about immigration isn’t based on fear — it’s based on hierarchy. They’re furious at the thought that immigrants might cross the border and simply blend into the population, living American lives and effectively becoming Americans. They need to be put in their place! Forcing them to fight for our entertainment would subordinate them to us.

Methinks Steve M. is onto something. Follow the link for the rest.


I think it telling that, in ancient Rome, gladiators were slaves, and, for all practical purposes, this too would be enslavement–another reason why the Party of the New Secesh would not find this notion objectionable.


The Privatization Scam 0

Man fitting tire labeled

Click to view the original image.


Republican Family Values 0


Still Rising Again after All These Years 0

I commend to your attention Bob Nightengale’s article on Reggie Jackson’s recent remarks on what it was like being a black man playing minor league baseball in the South in the 1960s.

Remember that there are many who not only wish those days were still, but are working to bring them back.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Yet another random act of politeness:

A 3-year-old riding his tricycle, having fun with members of his family on a hot summer night, his 7-year-old big sister right by his side, and out of nowhere gunfire erupts. And the children are struck by gunfire,” Buffalo Mayor Byron Brown said.

And, in more news of “responsible gun owners” . . . .

Ask yourself, what’s the common denominator here?

Read more »


The Gold Ruse 0

The Smoking Gun reports on the con.

In an audacious and heartbreaking scheme, a pair of elderly Floridians were swindled out of $400,000 in gold bars by a phone fraudster who claimed that the victims were facing arrest due to illegal activity in their respective Amazon accounts, according to court records.

Follow the link for the details and remember, if some stranger on the phone sounds convincing, it may just because he’s trying to convince you.



Nathan Fillion:

I still buy actual books. The smell, having it in your hands – there’s really no substitute.


Recommended Viewing 0

Forensic Investigators.

It’s sort of an Australian Forensic Files, with added dramatizations. If you’re a mystery buff like me, I think you will find it interesting.

I’m watching it on Tubi.

Speaking of mysteries, I’m rereading the Julie Williamson mysteries by William D. Andrews, and they are just as good the second time around. You can find them at Islandport Press.


A Tune for the Times 0

Bruce W. Nelson tells us more about Falcon E. DeEtte at the Youtube page:

Few folks personify REAL American-style patriots like the liberal hating, Muslim hating, gay hating, environmentalist hating, college-education hating, clean-water hating, electric car hating, government hating, rule-of-law hating, clean air hating, deodorant hating, windmill hating, solar power hating, World Bank hating, Europe hating, NATO hating, Putin loving MAGA folks. To speak on behalf of all those haters of their fellow citizens (and most other people who speak foreign languages) today we present Falcon E. DeEtte, (a man who comes from a long line of E. DeEttes) and who is soon to release his book, “The E.DeEtte’s Guide to MAGA in America”.


This New Gilded Age 0

The Des Moines Register takes issue with Iowa’s recent attempts to bring back child labor. Here’s the beginning of the editiorial:

Iowa businesses have been openly disregarding federal rules about when and how much children can work, and the federal government has taken notice. Who are the victims?

    1. The exploited children.
    2. The owners and managers who scheduled the exploited children.

If you picked 2, congratulations! You’ve mastered the increasingly popular art of transforming guilt into grievance.

Follow the link to learn who’s truy the victims here.


Ye Olde Misdirection Play 0

Peter Jensen has a few words to say about the “Biden is old” misdirection play. For one thing, he points out that Biden is only three years older than Trump. For another thing–well, he points out a number of other things. Here’s snippet:

Personally, I cringe a bit when either gentleman tries to be hip. Better that they can both claim they still have their original hips. Biden may walk with a bit of a stiff gait and sometimes show balance problems, but Trump can’t accurately recall what happened in the last election or on Jan. 6, 2021. Plus his major ambition for a second term appears to be getting revenge on Americans who don’t bow to him. Better that Gramps gets around a little slow than slowly getting around to a dictatorship as my kids always say.
