From Pine View Farm

July, 2024 archive

And Now for a Musical Interlude 0


Originalist Sin 0

PoliticalProf parses the perfidy.


The Rule of Lawless, Reprise 0

Chief Justice Roberts stands next to a chainsawiwielding killer with a

Click for the original image.


The Rule of Lawless 0

At Above the Law, Joe Patrice dissects the Supreme Supremacist Court’s duplicitous doubletalk crowning Donald Trump (or, for that matter, any President, including Joe Biden, though methinks he would decline the privilege, as he believes in the rule of law) as Get out of Jail free carda king somehow above the rule of law.

The Founding Fathers, who, granted, had many flaws, not the least of which was tolerance of chattel slavery, wished to escape the rule of a sovereign,

Today’s Republican Party wishes to crown one.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Whilst in the merchandise mart, show politeness to your fellow shoppers.

A Kentucky man was shot and killed at a gun store when a firearm being handled by another customer went off, according to Kentucky State Police.


The preliminary investigation indicates that a customer was viewing a gun for sale and “manipulating” it when a single round discharged, hitting another person in the store.

Musical NotesGuns and stupid, guns and stupid.
They go together like love and Cupid.
Let me tell you brother,
You can’t have one without the other.


Disinformation Nation 0

In an absolutely wrenching article, Jessica Piper describes how her now late father went down the rabbit hole of Trumpism.

No summary or excerpt will do it justice.

Just go read it.


But She Just Wanted a Hug . . . . 0

Florida Woman.



Kenneth Clark:

Children who are treated as if they are uneducable almost invariably become uneducable.


Borderline Disorder 0


Documented Devolution? 0

Does evolution work backward?

Exhibit One:

At Psychology Today Blogs, Bence Nanay discusses a study that found that macaque monkeys’ social ties and level of social tolerance increased with the scarcity of resources.

I rest my case.


Facebook Frolics 0

Submerged frolics.


“The Death Loop” 0

Sam and the crew talk with Elie Mystal about the Supreme Supremacist Court’s double-talk about bump stocks.


Hysterical Over-Reactors 0

Methinks Grung_e_Gene makes some good points.

Honest to Betsy, we seem to have forgotten that substance should surpass superficiality.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society,”
Suffer the Children Dept.

NBC News has a wonder about the perils of politeness. Here’s the question:

Why does America keep allowing toddlers to shoot themselves?

Follow the link for their answers.

You know my answer: Too many guns, too much stupid.


Establishmentarians 0

Truthout tracks their attempts public schools into pulpits for proselytizing. Here’s a bit of their report:

According to Gill (Allison Gill, vice president of legal and policy at American Atheists, Inc.–ed.), the many attacks on public schooling are meant to dismantle public education, a longstanding goal of conservative individuals like former Education Secretary Betsy DeVos whose American Federation for Children has funneled millions of dollars to candidates and incumbents who support an anti-public education agenda. Groups, including the Alliance Defending Freedom, First Liberty Institute, Heritage Foundation and Moms for Liberty have also jumped onto this bandwagon.



John G. Azzopardi:

Experience can be merely the repetition of same error often enough.
