July, 2024 archive
Dis Coarse Discourse 0
The editorial board of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch looks at the flood of racist, sexist slurs with which Republicans have responded to the presidential run of Vice President Harris and concludes that, well, they just can’t help themselves. Here’s a tiny bit of their editorial:
Asking such epic restraint is clearly asking too much.
“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0
Gunnutery does not repeat itself, but it often rhymes.*
*With apologies to Mark Twain.
“History Does Not Repeat Itself, but If Often Rhymes”* 0
Now comes Roseann Foley Henry, writing at Psychology Today Blogs, who hears a rhyme.
*Mark Twain.
And Now for a Musical Interlude 0
Mario Lanza’s “imitation sequence” from The Seven Hills of Rome.
The movie’s plot is, well, less than stellar, but the scenery and the singing make it well worth a watch.
“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0
Another child . . . .
It all started with a sleepover that turned into a nightmare for the Green family. “Police told us his friend and him were sitting across from each other, his friend was cocking a gun back and forth,” said Jennifer Green, mother of Nathaniel Green. “The gun went off and the bullet was lodged in his spine.”
. . . and another gun that (reputedly) fired itself.
A Grasp for Reality? 0
John Giles, the Republican mayor of Mesa, Arizona, takes a stand against the weirdness that has assimilated today’s Republican Party. At the Arizona Republic, he offers a strong endorsement of Kamala Harris. A snippet; follow the link for his reasoning.
Arizona leaders like McCain and Sen. Mark Kelly have embodied the commitment to country over party. And it’s that same high caliber of character and leadership I see in Vice President Harris.
“History Does Not Repeat Itself, but It Often Rhymes”* 0
This time it is Kim Brening Solomon, an American expat living in Vienna, Austria, who hears a rhyme. A snippet:
*Mark Twain.
Taken Aback 0
Sam and the crew suggest that right-wing media is short-circuiting at the prospect of Kamala Harris’s being the Democratic nominee for president.
She’s got my vote, but, as someone said at Juanita Jean’s, I’d vote for a refrigerator before I’d vote for Trump.