Dis Coarse Discourse 0
Steve M. notes a disparity in the press coverage, which leads him to remark upon what he argues is a longstanding trend. I’m not sure I agree with all his conclusions, but, given that today’s reportage is sweating bullets over Biden’s being three years older than Trump while ignoring (or, at least, de-emphasizing) Trump’s raving falsehoods and fantastic fabrications, methinks his piece is worth a read.
Here’s a bit of his article:
What we have instead is a bias toward normalizing Republicans, a process that’s usually accompanied by an “othering” of Democrats. This has been going on for decades: Walter Mondale was a gloomy wimp, Michael Dukakis was an effete Ivy League weirdo, Al Gore was a prissy egghead, Hillary Clinton was a cackling ballbuster. Their opponents were Real Americans, fond of country music, pickup trucks, and plain-spoken common sense.