Condo Capers 0
We live in a condo. It’s quite a nicely run condo, with a Board that goes out of its way not to be obnoxious, while taking good care of the communal property.
One of the rules is that residents should not mess with the common areas, for example, by putting signs on the grounds, including, natch, political signs (which, politically inclined as I am, is fine by me).
One of my neighbors has found what is, I must say, a most clever way to circumvent the rules.
He has hung a “Trump 2024” sign from the ceiling of his garage just inside the garage door, so he can open the door and inflict the sign on the rest of us while not technically violating the rules.
In case you wondered, yeah, he’s an old white guy, maybe even older than me.
But, unlike me, he wants to live in the old times there are not forgotten past.