From Pine View Farm

“Childless Cat Ladies” 0

At the Portland Press-Herald, Victoria Hugo-Vidal takes issue with J. D. Vance’s stated position that the only purpose for women is to be brood mares women who have not had children are not qualified to serve as school teachers. She does so by citing numerous examples of childless women teachers (aka, “nuns”) that she had during her days in Catholic schools.

In the course of the article, she offers, almost in passing, a theory to explain J. D. Vance’s misogyny:

Women have been choosing to remain without children for thousands of years. The only major difference is that these days, most women who do it aren’t swearing vows of poverty, chastity and obedience. Maybe that’s what freaks out men like JD Vance – the idea that large numbers of women are running their own lives around the country, unrestrained by the tethers of motherhood or the rules of religious orders.

Methinks she’s onto something.

Follow the link for context.


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